This package allows you to redirect to an external URL or internal page using the standard umbracoRedirect method. Simply create a PWRedirectPage in your content tree and select an item from the content tree or URL.
This package creates a new document type called PWRedirectPage. It includes the standard umbracoRedirect using the content picker as well as a URL redirect to an exact location.
In addition, there is a PWRedirectPage template with the .NET macro for URL redirection on it. This allows you to redirect to any URL.
For more information, go to:
************* UPDATE **************
The dll now supports 301 Redirects. After installing the new dll, you will need to refresh your Macro parameters. There is a new property on the UserControl called “Is301Redirect”. If true, then the redirect will be a 301 redirect.
Please download the new dll and copy it to your “bin” directory. (