44 votes

SEO Checker

SEO checker helps you find common SEO issues on your website such as missing  meta tags, broken links etc. SEO checker allows you to fix issues on the page before publishing the page.

Validate pages against Google recommendations
Every page that has a template assigned can be validated. All validations are based on the "Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide" document from Google tinyurl.com/yjm24yq  check the documentation rules for a full list of all validations.

Snippet preview
SEO checker allows you to preview the Google search result snippet when editing content  and will give feedback about keyword usage in content and meta information.

Social preview
SEO Checker allows you to preview your page as it would look on Facebook and Twitter.

Report inbound link issues
SEO checker will report any inbound link that is broken and will automatically redirect to the correct page when a link pointing to your website uses the wrong extension, php instead of aspx for example. SEO checker comes will also check for broken links on a page.

Manage Redirects
Manage redirects from a simple overview or use the datatype to manage all redirects for a single content or media node. The redirect manager allows you to import redirects also. Ideal for site migrations.

Easy url rewriting
SEO checker will also automatically redirect to the correct page when an editor renames or moves a document,the url changes and a visitor is requesting the old url.

SEO checker allows you to generate meta data based on existing content on the page and  can automatically generate robot.txt and sitemap.xml files for you. 

SEO checker will also automatically solve most canonical issues using its own URL Rewrite module.

 A license can be purchased via our company website http://soetemansoftware.nl/

SEO checker requires IIS7+ and is compatible with Umbraco version 7 (use releases before 2.8) and up to 8.x (V2.8 and up).
SEO checker is compatible with SQL Server (Express), SQL CE 4  and Mysql databases.

Fully-functional trial:

SEO checker is a commercial package.Here you can download the trial version which is fully functional on localhost (bulk validation is missing and validation using SEO Checker datatype reports keyword issues only). On your live server you need a license file.

A license file can be purchased via our website http://soetemansoftware.nl

Prices are:

    € 249,00  for a domain license
    € 749,00 for a server license
    € 1125,00 unlimited license

Release notes:

More information:

If you want more information about SEO checker, watch the screencasts about some of the features SEO checker offers.

 Software Upgrade policy: 

  • Free lifetime updates for domain licenses
  • Free updates of server and unlimited licenses for a major release within one year of purchase.
  • Free updates for all minor releases within a major release.  For example, if you purchased a server, or unlimited 1.0 version of SEO Checker, you get free updates of all 1.x versions.


If you have any questions please use the support forum or drop us an email, [email protected]


Archived files

Source code

 Download package
version 13

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 7.9.0-9+

Install-Package SEOChecker

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package SEOChecker

Package owner

Richard Soeteman

Richard Soeteman

Richard has 12925 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (100%)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 8.17.x, 8.16.x, 8.15.x, 8.14.x, 8.13.x, 8.12.x, 8.11.x, 8.10.x, 8.9.x, 8.8.x, 8.7.x, 8.6.x, 8.5.x, 8.4.x, 8.3.x, 8.2.x, 8.1.x, 8.0.x, 7.15.x, 7.14.x, 7.13.x, 7.12.x, 7.11.x, 7.10.x, 7.9.x, 7.8.x, 7.7.x, 7.6.x, 7.5.x, 7.4.x, 7.3.x, 7.2.x, 7.1.x, 7.0.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Richard Soeteman
  • Created: 12/11/2012
  • Current version 13
  • .NET version 4.5.2,4.7.2
  • License SEO Checker license agreement
  • Downloads on Our: 31.8K
  • Downloads on NuGet: 389.9K
  • Total downloads : 421.8K

External resources