42 votes


Ucommerce for Umbraco

Ucommerce is an e-commerce offering fully integrated with Umbraco for building online stores. With Ucommerce and Umbraco you create unique and powerful e-commerce webshops fully customized to your client's requirements.

Building an ecommerce solution with Ucommerce is a snap with the many out of the box features including built-in integration with popular payment gateways like PayPal, SagePay, RBS WorldPay, DIBS, ePay, PayEx, and Payer.se.

Ucommerce is deployed in more than 15 countries worldwide and powers many production sites today, which makes it a safe bet as the foundation for your store or ecommerce project.

Hit the Ground Running with Avenue Clothing

Avenue Clothing is a full online store built with Razor and MVC that you can download for free and customize to your heart's content. It's got everything you need to get a full store up and running and includes best practices for Ucommerce specifically and e-commerce in general as well.

Responsive design makes it ready for the mobile web.

Visit Avenue Clothing at https://demo.ucommerce.net

Ucommerce Is FREE!

We're super excited about Ucommerce Free Edition, which enables you to deploy enterprise class software for your clients at no cost at all. The Free Edition has everything you need to get an online store up and running and headroom for growth when the business requirement expand.

Familiar Tools

Ucommerce lets you use familiar tools to develop your store: Leverage Razor, MVC, .NET, or a combination to build the pages of your store.

Ucommerce App Platform

Want more out of Ucommerce like automatic product relations, personalized product recommendations, new payment providers, more reports, or something else? Check out available apps on Ucommerce Market at https://apps.ucommerce.net.

Change Any Aspect

Can't find an app that does what you need? Ucommerce is fully pluggable and based on "Framework First" principles, which enable you to override any component or add new functionality to the platform.

Want a different price- or tax calculation? Swap out the default price engine with your own. Need a new UI in the backend? Add a new tab where you need it. Want a different URL scheme for your store? Well, you get the idea. Just go ahead and change it.

Integrate Ucommerce with other Systems

Uconnector is our integration platform, which enables Ucommerce to interoperate with other systems like ERP, WMS, CRM, POS. Uconnector will happily receive information from existing systems in any format, transform the data, and pass it onto the appropriate system.

Using a code first approach your integratios are developed using an elegant fluent API.

Oh, and did we mention that Uconnector comes with Ucommerce out of the box? Ready to use.

Search Foundation

Faceted search lets customers quickly filter products based on available information in catalogs. Quickly find relevant product based on size, color, or any custom information set up. Need a new facet? Simply add a new field to your product and promote it to act as a facet.

The search engine is fully multilingual making facets appear with the proper names and values based on the selected language of the customer, e.g. a range of colors will appear with their native name.

Faceted fields are easily promoted and maintained in the backend. No XML config involved :)

Catalog Foundation

Having rich catalog capabilities as part of the online store is essential for its success selling products on the internet. Ucommerce Catalog Foundation handles all your needs for publishing products in to the store. From supporting multiple stores right down to products with variations such as size and color Ucommerce has it all.

For advanced pricing scenarios our price groups support most scenarios found in online stores. Not satisfied with what's the box? As a developer you can roll your own, which fits the specific requirements your client has.

  • Multiple stores with different styling and checkout flow
  • Micro branding sites
  • Multiple catalogs for separating product ranges
  • Arbitrary number of categories
  • Products live in multiple stores, catalogs, and categories
  • Products with variations to help the customer select the right product
  • Multilingual product information. Have the catalog shown in as many languages as you care to support
  • Related Products will help increase conversion rates by relating product to each other thus helping potential customers find the products they want. You can define a number of relation ship kinds, which are used to relate products to each other, e.g. Cross Sell, Up Sell, Accessory. Ucommerce gives you complete control over which kinds of related products you wish to maintain.
  • Sort products as you like, e.g. have the newest products show up at the top of lists
  • Sort categories as you like, e.g. have most popular category displayed first
  • Multiple images per product maintained as part of the media library
  • Flexible pricing for multi-currency and differentiated product pricing
  • Product definitions enable you to store information that you care about on the products themselves, complete freedom to set them up however you like
  • Rich text editing capabilities let you present your products the way you want. Don't waste time messing around with raw HTML
  • Backend product search lets you find the product you need, quickly

Marketing Foundation

Everybody loves a great deal. Advertise and give discounts by targeting product groups, products, customer segments, or even individual customers with ads and discounts to stimulate the customer to buy. Send out coupon codes to attract new customers and retain existing ones for repeat business.

  • Time limited marketing campaigns.
  • Site ads based on Umbraco content.
  • Multilinugal site ads.
  • Prioritize order of evaluation of campaign items.
  • Targeted ads and content based on the customer's context.
  • Targeted discounts based on the customer's context.
  • Percentage off shipping fee (Free shipping discounts).
  • Unit price discount (percentage off).
  • Order total discount (amount and percentage off).
  • Order line discount (amount and percentage off).
  • Product bundle discount (amount and percentage off).
  • Buy 2 get 1 free discount.
  • Free shipping vouchers/promocodes.
  • Personal, single use vouchers.
  • Generic, multiuse vouchers.
  • Product vouchers/promocodes.
  • Product group vouchers/promocodes.
  • Store specific vouchers/promocodes.
  • Voucher/promocode export to third party systems.
  • Configurable rules for multiple awards per customer behavior.

Customer Service Center

Manage orders in the back-end, update, add products to existing orders. Place new orders. Handleorder split scenarios.

Transaction Foundation

Once the customer has decided to buy by adding a product to her basket and then proceed to checkout the Ucommerce Transaction Foundation takes over and manages persistant baskets for the customer and the entire checkout flow. Subsequent order processing handed over to the Ucommerce back office right in Umbraco where you can configure the order flow and track order through the flow.

Persistent baskets increase conversion rates by letting the customer carry on shopping where she left off

  • Persistent baskets increase conversion rates by letting the customer carry on shopping where she left off
  • Checkout processing
  • Full framework for integration with any payment gateway
  • Payment providers for RBS WorldPay, SagePay, PayEx, Payer, PayPal, DIBS, and ePay including support for authorization, acquire, cancel, and refund as part of the order flow
  • Support for multiple payment methods per order
  • Multiple shipments per order - have parts of your order shipping to the office and home 
  • Order history available for customers
  • Multiple shipping methods and complete control over shipping pricing
  • Order Search in back office
  • View and edit order details in back office
  • Fully extendable pipeline system for full control over checkout and order processing
  • Customizable order flow in back office, e.g. send e-mail to customers when order processing begins, capture payment when order is shipped, orders for approval
  • Dynamic Order Properties is a way for the developer to add new properties to baskets, orders, and even order lines. Any information you wish to capture during browse or checkout can be added to the basket or order for later use - be it reporting, fulfillment, or something else altogether
  • Full audit trail on orders in the backend
  • Ability to add audit messages to orders to keep track of additional information

Ucommerce is completely integrated with the Umbraco membership system. Configure whether you want customers created during checkout for login to review ordering history and more.

  • Use the Umbraco membership to stay in touch with with past customers.
  • Create profiles for your customers automatically when they buy
  • Segment customers using groups
  • View customer profiles in back office
  • Store additional information about your customer on their profile such as sign ups for newsletters
  • Search for customer profiles
  • Maintain e-mail templates with rich text editing capabilities
  • Control who can maintain your store

Security Foundation

Control permissions on everything in the administrative interfaces of Ucommerce. Set up permissions on a per user basis to determine who can see what and perform which actions.

Have dedicated catalog editors? Set up permissions to only allow them to see specific catalogs in specific stores.

Need to support multiple order processing locations or departments? Assign permission to employees in individual fulfillment centers to only allow them to see and process orders assigned to their location or department.

  • Individual user permissions
  • Store management permissions
  • Catalog management permissions
  • Price management permissions
  • Language management permissions
  • Order management permissions
  • Global settings permissions

Analytics Foundation

With users converting to customers in the store an overview of what is going on is needed. Ucommerce Analytics Foundation provides you with an opportunity to create rich reporting using familiar techniques like user controls and stored procedures. Ucommerce comes with a couple of reports out of the box and you can easily add your own in minutes.

Foundation API

Leverage your .NET skills for ultimate control and flexibility over the Ucommerce Foundation. The Foundation API is a highly flexible modular design, which allows you as a .NET developer to plug into the low level Ucommerce APIs to modify existing behavior or even replace what comes in the box.

Do you want to build specialized UIs to manage aspects of the store? Use the Foundation API to leverage the functionality already in Ucommerce to your own needs.

The Foundation APIs are fully LINQ enabled, which enable you to create rich functionality quickly.


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version 9.7

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 7.15.0-8.18.15

Install-Package Ucommerce.Umbraco8

Package owner

Søren Spelling Lund

Søren Spelling Lund

Søren has 2786 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (0%)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 8.10.x, 8.9.x, 8.8.x, 8.7.x, 8.2.x, 8.1.x, 8.0.x, 7.15.x, 7.14.x, 7.13.x, 7.12.x, 7.11.x, 7.10.x, 7.9.x, 7.8.x, 7.7.x, 7.6.x, 7.5.x, 7.4.x, 7.3.x, 7.2.x, 7.1.x, 7.0.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Søren Spelling Lund
  • Created: 22/02/2010
  • Current version 9.7
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License Commercial
  • Downloads on Our: 171.2K
  • Downloads on NuGet: 109.5K
  • Total downloads : 280.8K

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