In our shop solution we need to sell "Subscriptions".
For example a Father can buy a "Monthly subscription" in the Swimming pool for his son.
In this case, when the father add the product in the basket, we would like to store additional information regarding the child.
We would like to store : firstname, lastname, date of birth of the son and so on.
Is there any way to do this regarding the actual implementation of uCommerce ?
Thanks for your help
There absolutely is a way to do it and it's called dynamic order properties. Basically you can add new properties to the order/basket itself or individual order lines.
Whilst looping through the line items I can see in XSLT how to get the values back from the orderproperties. Is there not an extension in the commerce.library to do the same thing?
Additional informations for a product
There absolutely is a way to do it and it's called dynamic order properties. Basically you can add new properties to the order/basket itself or individual order lines.
To set an order level property use the following:
To set a order line level property use this:
Where 0 is the order line index to put the property on.
You can check out the docs at http://www.ucommerce.dk/docs/html/M_UCommerce_Xslt_TransactionLibrary_SetOrderProperty_1.htm and http://www.ucommerce.dk/docs/html/M_UCommerce_Xslt_TransactionLibrary_SetOrderProperty.htm
Hope this helps.
Thank you Soren for your help.
I did some basics tests and it seems to work perfectly.
Thanks a lot
Perfect. Glad to be of help.
How are these values retrieved? Is it easy to pull them out in the order confirmation email?
Actually are there any examples of order confirmation emails as the sample site contains nothing?
Whilst looping through the line items I can see in XSLT how to get the values back from the orderproperties. Is there not an extension in the commerce.library to do the same thing?
<xsl:value-of select="./orderProperties/orderProperty [@key='KEY']/@value"/>
The properties are part of the XML structure so you'd just loop through those.
Forgot to mention that you can use GetPurchaseOrderByGuid to retrieve the values. Check out the docs at http://www.ucommerce.dk/docs/html/Overload_UCommerce_Xslt_TransactionLibrary_GetPurchaseOrder.htm
is working on a reply...