Hey i've noticed that all prices on the PurchaseOrder object has 4 decimals is there a setting somewhere in the backend i have miss'd to set it to 2 so i dont have to Math.Round on vat / subtotal etc.?
You can override the total yourself in the pipeline. You could perform a final step in the checkout pipeline to round all the totals to the number of decimals you need. In the future we'll change the backend UI to only display two digits for all amounts.
PurchaseOrder Decimal Ammount Possible to change?
Hey i've noticed that all prices on the PurchaseOrder object has 4 decimals is there a setting somewhere in the backend i have miss'd to set it to 2 so i dont have to Math.Round on vat / subtotal etc.?
Do you have custom tax task?
I ran into a similar problem and found that I just need to round the value of my tax calculation before saving it, as well as my discount calculation
Hey Sean,
I run with standard pipelines, and actually my purchaseorder object taxtotal is always empty
You can override the total yourself in the pipeline. You could perform a final step in the checkout pipeline to round all the totals to the number of decimals you need. In the future we'll change the backend UI to only display two digits for all amounts.
You can also use the FormatCurrency methods from the XSLT library, which will format to two digits and with currency code.
is working on a reply...