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  • Neo 22 posts 42 karma points
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 13:40

    Pipeline dilemma.... when to call?



    The checkout page of my application need to capture all the information mentioned below in a single page...

    1. All products in the basket are listed

    2. Need to capture billing and shipping address

    3. Select shipping method

    4. Payment method

    5. Checkout button


    After clicking the checkout button we need to redirect to the payment providers site. These are my queries:


    Q.1 What is the use of pipelines? I have gone through this blog regarding pipelines. Is this can be done manually?

    Q.2. When should I execute Basket Pipeline and Checkout Pipeline?

    Q.3. By executing Checkout pipeline will it redirect to Payment Providers site or if not then how should I manually redirect?

    Q.4. Can you differentiate between the order status - New order, Completed order, Invoiced and Paid. After clicking checkout button we need to change the status to New Order right? Or is it done by the system while calling BasketPipeline method? After completing the payment we need to change the status to Paid right? Then what is the significane of Completed and Invoiced status?

    Q.5. From my understanding this is the following steps that I am going to perform after clicking Checkout button. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    a. Assign Billing and Shipping Address to Purchase Order

    b. Create Shipment

    c. Create Payment

    d. Execute Basket Pipeline

    e. Execute Checkout Pipeline

  • Søren Spelling Lund 1797 posts 2786 karma points
    Mar 17, 2011 @ 11:10
    Søren Spelling Lund

    Hi Neo,

    Q1) Pipelines encapsulate the business logic around certain processes in an e-commerce site like adding a product to basket, checkout, saving an order in the backend, and so forth. Pipelines are meant as a way for you to override the out of the box behavior of uCommerce. You can modify or replace the default pipeline tasks or create completely new ones to support custom functionality.

    Q2) Basket pipeline should be executed whenever the basket changes as it is primariky responsible for calculating totals on the basket.

    Checkout pipeline should only be called once per purchase when the customer is done shopping and the basket is ready to be converted to an order. Even payments must be processed before calling checkout.

    Q3) Calling the checkout pipeline will not redirect to the payment gateway. Rather you do this by calling CommerceLibrary:RequestPayments() or RequestPayment for a specific payment.

    Q4) The Checkout pipeline will set the basket to "New Order" status automatically. Until then the basket has a status of... "Basket" :)

    Q5) You're exactly right. CreatePayment() can also initiate the redirect to the payment gateway if so directed.

    Hope this helps.

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