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  • Danzig 32 posts 52 karma points
    May 19, 2011 @ 05:54

    Shipping method without tax


    I've created a flat rate shipping method.  It works fine except that it gets 15% tax added to it as per the amount I've specified for the currency.  All the product prices on the site are "tax included" although I can't remember how I did that now!  So I want to do the same for the shipping rate.  I want it to be charged at $6 - not 6 plus 15% = $6.90.  How do I do that?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Søren Spelling Lund 1797 posts 2786 karma points
    May 19, 2011 @ 11:38
    Søren Spelling Lund

    By default uCommerce will use the tax rate specified on the price group selected for the shipping method. If you don't want that behavior you can remove shipping tax from the basket pipeline or create another price group without a VAT rate specified.

    Here's how you remove it from the basket pipeline.

    You find the basket pipeline config in /umbraco/ucommerce/pipelines/basket.config and you want to remove the one called Basket.CalculateShippingTaxForShipments.

  • e 23 posts 42 karma points
    Jan 07, 2013 @ 20:56

    Is there a way to conditionally charge tax on shipping?

    I ask because in the US, some states may charge sales tax on shipping while others do not.  I need to distinguish between charging tax on products vs. shipping depending on the shipment address.  I can't just take it out of the pipeline because it may be needed for some states.


    In Wisconsin, the state sales tax is 5%, and sales tax must be charged on the shipping as well as the products.

    In Ohio, the state sales tax is 5.5%, but it is only charged on the products, not on the shipping costs.

    We have implemented our own Tax Service, but when the CalculateTax method is called we don't see enough information to know if the call is for shipping or for a product.  Can we tap into the 'CalculateShippingTaxForShipments' method to check if we need to charge tax?  Or is there a way to get additional information in our overridden 'CalculateTax()' method of our shipping service to know if what we are calculating on is a product or a shipping cost?

    - e


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