ucommerce not inserting UmbracoMemberId into uCommerce_Customer table
when i create an order and submit it everyting gets inserted into the db as expected except the UmbracoMemberId into uCommerce_Customer table. i'm pretty sure i've removed something i should't have. i've also lost the original source code which doesn't help. i'm using please help
here's my submitBasket.xslt
<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPExsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITYnbsp" ">]><xsl:stylesheetversion="1.0"
exclude-result-prefixes="msxml umbraco.library CommerceLibrary"> <xsl:outputmethod="xml"omit-xml-declaration="yes"/> <xsl:paramname="currentPage"/> <xsl:templatematch="/"> <SCRIPTlanguage="JavaScript"> <![CDATA[ function redirectShoppingCart() { var val="../bp-shop.aspx"; location.href =val; } ]]> </SCRIPT> <xsl:variablename="isPostback"select="umbraco.library:RequestForm('submitBasket') "></xsl:variable> <xsl:iftest="string-length($isPostback) > 0"> <xsl:variablename="result"select="CommerceLibrary:ExecuteBasketPipeline()"/> <xsl:variablename="addressResult"select="CommerceLibrary:Set('Billing')"></xsl:variable> <xsl:variablename="result1"select="CommerceLibrary:Checkout()"></xsl:variable> <divid="continue_container"> <divclass="continue_container_r"> <divclass="btn_AddToCart"> <inputtype="submit"value="Continue"id="btnContinue"class="btn_UpdateCart"
onclick="redirectShoppingCart();"></input> </div> </div> <divclass="continue_container_l"> <h3> Your order has been placed successfully</h3> </div> </div> </xsl:if> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
i'm not creating customers on checkout, or assigning them a group or type, and member is logged in.
i know ive buggered something up as when i switch on 'create customers as members', ucomm doesn't insert into the [uCommerce_Address] or [uCommerce_Customer], yet when i switch it off, it does do the insert
it's a members only site so i create members when they register.
ucommerce not inserting UmbracoMemberId into uCommerce_Customer table
when i create an order and submit it everyting gets inserted into the db as expected except the UmbracoMemberId into uCommerce_Customer table. i'm pretty sure i've removed something i should't have. i've also lost the original source code which doesn't help. i'm using please help
here's my submitBasket.xslt
Have you setup uCommerce to create members on checkout? And also specified a member group and type?
And is the customer logged in? :)
thanks for the quick reply soren.
i'm not creating customers on checkout, or assigning them a group or type, and member is logged in.
i know ive buggered something up as when i switch on 'create customers as members', ucomm doesn't insert into the [uCommerce_Address] or [uCommerce_Customer], yet when i switch it off, it does do the insert
it's a members only site so i create members when they register.
i'm happy to try any other suggestions?
fixed - i just checked the box and chose my group and type
is working on a reply...