You can create new pipelines to do exactly what you need. By default basket and checkout pipelines operate on the default basket, but in .NET you can control that completely.
We're in a bit of a strange situation, we're planning on adding a new type of product to our store. They would need to be purchased independantly from the existing products for bookeeping reasons hence the need for a second basket.
The products will also need there own custom orderlines and basket and checkout pipelines related the kinds of details that will need to collected.
I'm not sure that clarifies anything or is just more confusing.
If the requirements for checkout is vastly different between the two product types it makes sense to create separate pipelines to handle it.
If you just need separation another option is to keep the checkout the same and then route the new order type to a separate store in the same install using Security Foundation to separate the two.
You can add addtional info to order lines without affecting the checkout flow.
Multiple baskets with their own pipelines.
Hi Soren,
Is it posilble to create multiple baskets each with their own basket and checkout pipelines?
Also, with the product definition attributes, is it possible to change the error message based on which attribute failed validation?
Many Thanks,
You can create new pipelines to do exactly what you need. By default basket and checkout pipelines operate on the default basket, but in .NET you can control that completely.
uCommerce Pipelines Explained shows you how to extend the existing ones.
If you want to build a new one from scratch you can build a new config file and call that explicitly:
The code above will look for a pipeline config called myCustomPipeline in the /umbraco/ucommerce/pipelines folder.
I'll need a bit more detail to advice further. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do.
Errors messages for definition fields are not configurable. Sorry.
Hi Soren,
Thanks for your response.
We're in a bit of a strange situation, we're planning on adding a new type of product to our store. They would need to be purchased independantly from the existing products for bookeeping reasons hence the need for a second basket.
The products will also need there own custom orderlines and basket and checkout pipelines related the kinds of details that will need to collected.
I'm not sure that clarifies anything or is just more confusing.
(shame about the error messages but oh well)
If the requirements for checkout is vastly different between the two product types it makes sense to create separate pipelines to handle it.
If you just need separation another option is to keep the checkout the same and then route the new order type to a separate store in the same install using Security Foundation to separate the two.
You can add addtional info to order lines without affecting the checkout flow.
is working on a reply...