Marketing errors after updating to uCommerce
I have just updated from uCommerce to uCom, and I am experiencing some problems with the marketing section.
For instance when I make the following rule: -100% on shipping when buying for more than 400 (+ 25% tax). The free shipping is given to all orders, no matter how big the order is.
Marketing errors after updating to uCommerce
I have just updated from uCommerce to uCom, and I am experiencing some problems with the marketing section.
For instance when I make the following rule: -100% on shipping when buying for more than 400 (+ 25% tax).
The free shipping is given to all orders, no matter how big the order is.
Any ideas?
The basket XML:
<purchaseOrder index="0" orderNumber="" orderGuid="6cb63262-2fe0-4544-8f7f-c777e379a856" status="Basket" createdDate="14-11-2012 14:32:53" completedDate="" note="" vat="16.00" orderTotal="80.00" discount="16.00" discountTotal="16.00" shippingTotal="0.00" paymentTotal="0.00" taxTotal="16.00" subTotal="64.00" lineItemCount="1" billingCurrency="DKK" productCount="1">
<discount index="0" campaignName="Danmark" campaignItemName="Rabatkode" description="" amountOff="16.00" ></discount>
<discount index="1" campaignName="Danmark" campaignItemName="Gratis Levering" description="" amountOff="31.20" ></discount>
<orderProperties ></orderProperties>
<lineItem index="0" sku="Box9900" variantSku="" productName="Box 9900" price="80.00" quantity="1" discount="0.00" unitDiscount="0.00" vat="20.00" vatRate="0.25" total="100.00">
<orderProperties ></orderProperties>
<discounts ></discounts>
<shipment index="0" shipmentId="406" name="Post Danmark" createdDate="14-11-2012 14:32:53" shippingMethodId="10" deliveryNote="" trackAndTrace="" price="31.20" taxRate="0.25" tax="0.00" shipmentTotal="0.00">
<address addressId="664" addressName="Shipment" index="0" firstName="" lastName="" emailAddress="" phoneNumber="" mobilePhoneNumber="" company="" line1="" line2="" postalCode="" city="" state="" country="Denmark" attention="" >
<payments ></payments>
<addresses ></addresses>
<billingAddress ></billingAddress>
The problem was fixed in uCommerce v. :)
Hi Steven,
Thanks for being awesome and posting a follow-up here. #h5yr!
is working on a reply...