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  • Thomas 13 posts 43 karma points
    Dec 18, 2012 @ 16:20

    Setting a product DisplayName


    I'm creating a seperate module to add products to uCommerce. I have got this working mostly but I can't seem to be able to add a DisplayName. From the documentation I found the DisplayName is added through a description which I add in the following way:

                var description = new ProductDescription
                                          Product = product,
                                          CultureCode = "en-GB",
                                          // or en-GB, da-DK etc.
                                          DisplayName = txtName.Text,
                                          ShortDescription = txtShortDescription.Text,
                                          LongDescription = txtLongDescription.Text

    And a value actually goes in there, it gets saved but in the umbraco back-end the displayname is not displayed:

    (The display names that are filled in are hand made)

    Any ideas?

    Thank you,

  • Thomas 13 posts 43 karma points
    Dec 19, 2012 @ 12:39

    I just noticed there isn't a way to change the Display Name in the back-end. Is there really no way to do this?

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