I'm currently developing a costumized webshop where I have to assign a purchaseOrder automatically to some users. Therefore, I dug into the world of pipelines and together with dotPeek (a decompilation program) I managed to get my hands on the code of the CreateCostumerTask pipeline function in the checkout() pipeline.
The decompiled code looks like the following:
public PipelineExecutionResult Execute(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder)
if (purchaseOrder.Customer == null)
// ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
// ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
CreateCustomerTask.<>c__DisplayClass0 cDisplayClass0 = new CreateCustomerTask.<>c__DisplayClass0();
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No billing address is set for order {0}. Please add an OrderAddress and set that as the billing address of the order.", (object) purchaseOrder.OrderGuid));
I would like to hear, if you could elaborate on the code where it initiates a new class containing the <> symbol. That is, to say, to be able to create my costum pipeline with a costumized "CreateCostumer" function. My final aim is to be able to create a new costumer with a dummy billing address assigned to him.
Thanks in advance, and a happy new year to everyone!
Instead of changing the default CreateCustomer task you could just create a new task from scratch and add that after the CreateCustomer task completes.
Basically you can just override the information already stored on the Customer and the associated address. It would be much easier to do.
Pipeline CreateCostumerTask Decompilation Request
Hi there, uCommerce experts.
I'm currently developing a costumized webshop where I have to assign a purchaseOrder automatically to some users. Therefore, I dug into the world of pipelines and together with dotPeek (a decompilation program) I managed to get my hands on the code of the CreateCostumerTask pipeline function in the checkout() pipeline.
The decompiled code looks like the following:
public PipelineExecutionResult Execute(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder)
if (purchaseOrder.Customer == null)
// ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
// ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
CreateCustomerTask.<>c__DisplayClass0 cDisplayClass0 = new CreateCustomerTask.<>c__DisplayClass0();
// ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
cDisplayClass0.billingAddress = purchaseOrder.GetBillingAddress();
// ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
if (cDisplayClass0.billingAddress == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No billing address is set for order {0}. Please add an OrderAddress and set that as the billing address of the order.", (object) purchaseOrder.OrderGuid));
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Customer), "x");
// ISSUE: method reference
// ISSUE: field reference
// ISSUE: method reference
// ISSUE: method reference
// ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
Customer customer = Customer.SingleOrDefault(Expression.Lambda<Func<Customer, bool>>((Expression) Expression.Equal((Expression) Expression.Property((Expression) parameterExpression, (MethodInfo) MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(__methodref (Customer.get_EmailAddress))), (Expression) Expression.Property((Expression) Expression.Field((Expression) Expression.Constant((object) cDisplayClass0), FieldInfo.GetFieldFromHandle(__fieldref (CreateCustomerTask.<>c__DisplayClass0.billingAddress))), (MethodInfo) MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(__methodref (OrderAddress.get_EmailAddress))), false, (MethodInfo) MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(__methodref (string.op_Equality))), new ParameterExpression[1]
})) ?? Customer.Create(cDisplayClass0.billingAddress);
purchaseOrder.Customer = customer;
return PipelineExecutionResult.Success;
I would like to hear, if you could elaborate on the code where it initiates a new class containing the <> symbol. That is, to say, to be able to create my costum pipeline with a costumized "CreateCostumer" function. My final aim is to be able to create a new costumer with a dummy billing address assigned to him.
Thanks in advance, and a happy new year to everyone!
Hi Brinck10,
Instead of changing the default CreateCustomer task you could just create a new task from scratch and add that after the CreateCustomer task completes.
Basically you can just override the information already stored on the Customer and the associated address. It would be much easier to do.
Hope this helps.
is working on a reply...