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  • Edward Brey 2 posts 22 karma points
    Jan 29, 2013 @ 20:14
    Edward Brey

    What is the "unlimited license"?

    The uCommerce project page says, "uCommerce Is FREE! We're super excited about uCommerce Free Edition, which enables you to deploy enterprise class software for your clients at no cost at all." It also lists a price for an "unlimited license" of €49. The site lists a free version, a €2,499/yr version, and a €4,499/yr version, each with detailed descriptions.

    What does the €49 "unlimited license" version consist of?

  • Niels Jorck Ellegaard 39 posts 245 karma points
    Jan 29, 2013 @ 20:33
    Niels Jorck Ellegaard

    I haven't ever heard of an unlimited license, but I can see which you mean.

    It is most likely a remnant from the days before uCommerce went free. However Søren should probably get it removed if it is in fact a remnant.

  • Søren Spelling Lund 1797 posts 2786 karma points
    Feb 01, 2013 @ 14:35
    Søren Spelling Lund

    Hi Edward,

    The €49 uCommerce is what we call uCommerce Charity Edition. It's basically Free, but with a €49 price tag. All proceeds from charity edition are donated to the Umbraco project. If in doubt use CategoryId. It's basically a way to support Umbraco. 

  • Corey Sherman 55 posts 127 karma points
    Jul 11, 2013 @ 20:12
    Corey Sherman


    Does that mean that the "uCommerce Charity Edition" will include all the features listed on the project page?

  • Niels Jorck Ellegaard 39 posts 245 karma points
    Jul 11, 2013 @ 20:29
    Niels Jorck Ellegaard

    Corey. He means it is just a way to donate to Umbraco.

    It is a free licens which will have the features listed under the Free Edition on their official website. 

  • Corey Sherman 55 posts 127 karma points
    Jul 11, 2013 @ 20:44
    Corey Sherman

    So then it's not actually unlimited? Looking at the Free edition on the page you provided, a lot of the features listed on project page are not included in the free edition...

    I'm mostly concerned about the difference in features. The project page implies that you get everything, but their website indicates that's not the case unless you buy the Pro or Enterprise edition...

  • Niels Jorck Ellegaard 39 posts 245 karma points
    Jul 11, 2013 @ 21:37
    Niels Jorck Ellegaard

    I guess that depends on what you mean by unlimited. You can use the free version all you want :)

    The project page reflects what the package can do as a whole, but you don't get everthing for free no. Would be quite insane if you did really.
    uCommerce contains a LOT of features and frankly the features you get for the free licens is quite extensive and gets you very far.

  • Søren Spelling Lund 1797 posts 2786 karma points
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 14:37
    Søren Spelling Lund

    Hi Corey,

    The "Unlimited" note on the license is something Our Umbraco puts on the site to indicate that the license can be used with multiple domains, which is true for all uCommerce licenses as long as they're assigned to the same IIS site.

    We should probably remove the Charity license as it causes more confusion than good. It's meant as a way to donate to Umbraco nothing more. It is a Free license, which can also be requested from our site at no charge.

    Hope this helps.

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