It looks like a SecurityFoundation issue. Are there any other users for umbraco (admin or such) ?
When your roles dissapear the settings tab is grayed out and you cannot see objects below. Neither would you be able to see catalogs, orders or any other object in the backend. So try to get another user assign permissions for you. If that's the only user you have to go through the database to do so.
Find the settingsRole: select * from uCommerce_Role
Find your user: select * from umbracoUser
insert into permission table: insert into uCommerce_Permission values (userId, roleId)
There was no user permissions for the users. Previously, there were. Funny thing.
Thanks @Morten.
Other developers might find this query useful to find out which users have permission to what roles:
SELECT TOP 1000 r.[RoleId] ,[Name] ,[ProductCatalogGroupId] ,[ProductCatalogId] ,[CultureCode] ,[PriceGroupId] ,[RoleType] ,[ParentRoleId] ,uc.UserId AS [uCommerce Id] , AS [Umbraco Id] ,u.userName FROM [Umbraco_CombatStress].[dbo].[uCommerce_Role] r LEFT JOIN [Umbraco_CombatStress].dbo.uCommerce_Permission p ON r.RoleId = p.RoleId LEFT JOIN Umbraco_CombatStress.dbo.uCommerce_User uc ON p.UserId = uc.UserId LEFT JOIN Umbraco_CombatStress.dbo.umbracoUser u ON uc.ExternalId =
No problemo. In fact i was the one creating security foundation so it was kinda funny to see a topic issued with such (not that problems or errors are funny - but you get the point).
Can you tell a little bit about how the error happended. Ie. how did you manage to remove all the user roles? Did they just dissapear with the blink of an eye? Doesn't sound right at least :)
You say that there were no user permissions for the users. Does that mean every user in the system had their permission taken ? Did you create another user / edit the users ? In fact. i cannot remember how we deal with users being edited. But i think whenever that happens we need to clear the users permissions in some cases (We hook up on an umbraco event for editing users).
I didn't do anything. Not even working on the website.
There was a user who had all the permissions though. Not sure if the client would have been guilty as I know someone else was playing with that.
I didn't create any user but someone else might have. Unfortunately, I think it's one of the cases that the real cause of the issue will not be found because they just don't care and there isn't a lot of openness to help me understand their actions. But thanks for your help! Cheers mate!
Ahh well. Yeah. That's the beauty of users of the system. They cannot remember what they did five minutes ago. However if it was a user who've just been created it makes sence that it didn't have any permissions assigned.
uCommerce backend not working
The uCommerce backend started showing this...
As far as I know, no developments have been made recently... Nothing shows up in the logs.
The HTTP requests made by the browser are always receiving a 200 OK code.
There's a license installed since April 2012 - uCommerce.key.
And there 3 .lic files generated. Two of them are from 2 February. Could it be any problem with the license?
Can anyone think of something else?
It looks like a SecurityFoundation issue. Are there any other users for umbraco (admin or such) ?
When your roles dissapear the settings tab is grayed out and you cannot see objects below. Neither would you be able to see catalogs, orders or any other object in the backend. So try to get another user assign permissions for you. If that's the only user you have to go through the database to do so.
Find the settingsRole: select * from uCommerce_Role
Find your user: select * from umbracoUser
insert into permission table: insert into uCommerce_Permission values (userId, roleId)
There was no user permissions for the users. Previously, there were. Funny thing.
Thanks @Morten.
Other developers might find this query useful to find out which users have permission to what roles:
SELECT TOP 1000 r.[RoleId]
,uc.UserId AS [uCommerce Id]
, AS [Umbraco Id]
FROM [Umbraco_CombatStress].[dbo].[uCommerce_Role] r
LEFT JOIN [Umbraco_CombatStress].dbo.uCommerce_Permission p ON r.RoleId = p.RoleId
LEFT JOIN Umbraco_CombatStress.dbo.uCommerce_User uc ON p.UserId = uc.UserId
LEFT JOIN Umbraco_CombatStress.dbo.umbracoUser u ON uc.ExternalId =
No problemo. In fact i was the one creating security foundation so it was kinda funny to see a topic issued with such (not that problems or errors are funny - but you get the point).
Can you tell a little bit about how the error happended. Ie. how did you manage to remove all the user roles? Did they just dissapear with the blink of an eye? Doesn't sound right at least :)
You say that there were no user permissions for the users. Does that mean every user in the system had their permission taken ? Did you create another user / edit the users ? In fact. i cannot remember how we deal with users being edited. But i think whenever that happens we need to clear the users permissions in some cases (We hook up on an umbraco event for editing users).
Hi Morten,
I didn't do anything. Not even working on the website.
There was a user who had all the permissions though. Not sure if the client would have been guilty as I know someone else was playing with that.
I didn't create any user but someone else might have. Unfortunately, I think it's one of the cases that the real cause of the issue will not be found because they just don't care and there isn't a lot of openness to help me understand their actions. But thanks for your help! Cheers mate!
Ahh well. Yeah. That's the beauty of users of the system. They cannot remember what they did five minutes ago. However if it was a user who've just been created it makes sence that it didn't have any permissions assigned.
is working on a reply...