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  • Sivasamy 13 posts 33 karma points
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 08:33

    Exporting Orders as XML on separate scheduled program

    Initially we tried to use uConnector but our friends told it was not officially completed hence suggested to try alternate methods. Since the program we are building is going to exist on the server as a separate program like a windows service or console application, we are trying to use the database directly and take the values from the tables created for uCommerce.

    Our umbraco version is 4.9.0 and uCommerce is

    We would like to know whether we are in the right direction or if there are any alternate suggestions from your side to make this solution better.

  • Morten Skjoldager 440 posts 1499 karma points
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 09:54
    Morten Skjoldager

    I cannot only give an answer on behalf of myself and my experiance :)

    I've seen quite a few times where uCommerce were run in an console application because the customers wanted some jobs done on an daily schedule. One of these jobs could easy be some logic exporting Orders as XML. It is not a bad solution. Actually.

    I don't think there's a better solution than what you suggested for doing so. Soren himself has a guide on how to do it;

    However it is not for uCommerce 3.0, but the basics are the same. Lifecycles on objects configured in the DI configs are removed, so it should actually be a little easier :)



    I've also done another similar solution. That was creating a view with relevant data for use directly in a pivot table in Excel which is very easy to setup. It would automatically give you a huge set of options for filtering. So that would be nice to take that into consideration also :)

    Hope that was an usefull answer :) 

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