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  • Andreas Johansson 9 posts 42 karma points
    May 28, 2013 @ 11:56
    Andreas Johansson

    uCommerce References are missing after installing uCommerce demo store

    After I have installed the uCommerce packages (the uCommerce and after that RazorStore) to my Umbraco-project several dll's are missing. The site runs closely perfect (some javascript errors) and everything works. But when I open the files in Visual Studio the code can't find several of the dll's it uses. Following namespaces are missing (what I've found so far)

    @using UCommerce.EntitiesV2
    @using UCommerce.Extensions
    @using UCommerce.Runtime

    Example if namespaces that exists

    @using UCommerce
    @using umbraco.MacroEngines

    Also the "SiteContext" is missing a reference. What have I done wrong and what do I need to do to make it work?

    I'm using Umbraco 6.0.5 and run it with Mvc. Thanks!



    After I have run the site a while it stops working and shows this message (After the first build in VS I thnk) (It's the @using UCommerce.Api that's missing)

    Line 1:  @using UCommerce.Api
    Line 2:  @functions{
    Line 3:      public static bool? AddToBasket(string addToBasketKey, string quantityKey, UCommerce.EntitiesV2.Product variant)
  • Jesper Nielsen 141 posts 498 karma points
    May 31, 2013 @ 13:38
    Jesper Nielsen

    Hi Andreas!

    Could you please post the exact version numbers of both the uCommerce installation, and the Razor store?

    The UCommerce assemblies should be in the bin folder of the umbraco site after installation of uCommerce.

    Can you see and use the "Commerce" section of Umbraco after installation?

    Kind regards,


  • Andreas Johansson 9 posts 42 karma points
    May 31, 2013 @ 13:49
    Andreas Johansson

    Hi Jesper!

    The verison number of the uCommerce is
    The verison number of the Razor Demo Store is

    I got it working after some attempts but I can't figure out what I did differently except that I created a node in Umbraco before installing Demo Store the time it worked. I could see the uCommerce section all the time. I also know that I have seen the bin files all the time even when t didn't work.

    Thanks for your answer and sorry for not being able to give more accurate information!

  • Morten Skjoldager 440 posts 1499 karma points
    May 31, 2013 @ 14:09
    Morten Skjoldager

    Hi, Andreas. 

    First off, i need to know what versions of the difference packages you are using (Umbraco, uCommerce and razor store), 

    It might be some of the ways that the installer works that casuses your dll references to be reset. Can you reference them again and compile without errors ? 

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