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  • Olivier Vionnet 26 posts 111 karma points
    Nov 11, 2013 @ 09:29
    Olivier Vionnet

    Ucommerce Developper Edition blue banner on one loadbalanced server


    I'm working on the migration of a website with uCommerce 3.0.5 (free Edition licence) on a loadbalanced server. On the first server, all seems working correctly but on the second server, I've got a problem with the licence (got a blue banner with "uCommerce Developer Edition").
    Seems that on the second server, no .lic file can be generated.

    In the umbracoLog table, i've got the following message :

    L'index se trouve en dehors des limites du tableau.
    Void SetLicenseType(System.String)
    à UCommerce.Licensing.LicensingService.SetLicenseType(String productInfo)
    à UCommerce.Licensing.LicensingService.LoadLicense()

    The licence is currently working on a live testing server, on the actual production server and on one of the two balanced server.

    I'm wondering if there is a maximum limitation of 3 activations for the licence and if yes, is it possible to have some more activation or am I simply doing something wrong ?


    nb: reposting, seems last post was not posted successfully on the forum.

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