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  • ffz 9 posts 29 karma points
    Feb 12, 2014 @ 14:12

    How to implement a multi selection data type that works with faceted search?

    Hi there,

    I’ve got a question on how to realize a multi selection data type that works with faceted search? What we try to do is to set 1-n preset attributes on a product. Within your filter we’d like each of those attributes selectable. The only idea other than adding a true/false checkbox for each attribute to the product is to use categories. Is there any other option? Or can we just us a multi select data type on the product or variant and override the facet-pipeline? I’m just looking for your advice if there are more options available.


  • Domenique 10 posts 40 karma points
    Feb 12, 2014 @ 14:18

    Hi All, 

    I have exactly the some question. Really need the multiselect support for the uCommerce datatypes in combination with the facettedsearch. 

    Best regards, 


  • Morten Skjoldager 440 posts 1499 karma points
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 09:07
    Morten Skjoldager

    Hello Flortian. Can you give me an example of what you're trying to achieve? How does the multi select data look like? How are they stored? 

    You could store them as individual facets under the same key. You would need to hook into the FacetIndexerTask under SaveProductDefinitionField.

    You would need to add 


    before defaultProductFacetIndexer in the parameters list. They are configured the same way as pipeline tasks. Take a look at those if you need to see how to :) 



  • ffz 9 posts 29 karma points
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 16:42

    Hi Morten,

    This sounds like an option for us.

    But to give you an example: A Product or Varian shall get an attribute of which multiple values can be true. Let’s say we have an attribute style that can “modern”, “business” and “classic” and a product can fit in the style “modern” and “business”. Here we are looking for a data type that ye can use within the facets. So can we use for example a multi tree picker or something else and separate all values “modern”, “business” and “classic” as check boxes in the filter and display the result where a product is containing one of the checked attributes of the filter.

    Attributes available within a data type tbd: modern, business and classic

    In Product A selected attribute (value): Modern and business

    Filter options available to check: modern, business and classic

    Example filter selection: modern

    Expected result contains: Product A.

    Do you have a recommendation on the data type?

  • Jeroen Ribbink 21 posts 50 karma points
    May 28, 2014 @ 16:39
    Jeroen Ribbink

    Hi Morten,

    i'm looking for the same datatype as described above. Is there any news on this, or can you help me out?

    thanks in advance.



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