What I'm doing wrong, I need to register new customer with billing information on one page and that on second page to display this billing address but TransactionLibrary.GetBasket().PurchaseOrder.BillingAddress is always null? My Razor code is:
string firstName = inputFirstName.Value;
string lastName = inputLastName.Value;
string email = inputEmail.Value;
string phone = inputPhone.Value;
string mobile = inputMobile.Value;
string zip = inputZip.Value;
string city = inputTown.Value;
string company = inputHouse.Value;
string address1 = inputAddress1.Value;
string address2 = inputAddress2.Value;
////get a membertype by its alias
var mt = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.MemberType.GetByAlias(MemberTypeAlias); //needs to be an existing membertype
////get the user(0)
var user = new umbraco.BusinessLogic.User(0);
////create a new member with Member.MakeNew
var member = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member.MakeNew(string.Format("{0} {1}", inputFirstName.Value, inputLastName.Value), inputEmail.Value, mt, user);
////password and loginname
member.Password = inputPassword.Value;
member.LoginName = inputEmail.Value;
////asssign a group, get the group by name, and assign its Id
var group = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.MemberGroup.GetByName(MemberGroupName); //needs to be an existing MemberGroup
////generate the member xml with .XmlGenerate
member.XmlGenerate(new System.Xml.XmlDocument());
////add the member to the website cache to log the member in
Billing address problem
What I'm doing wrong, I need to register new customer with billing information on one page and that on second page to display this billing address but TransactionLibrary.GetBasket().PurchaseOrder.BillingAddress is always null? My Razor code is:
string firstName = inputFirstName.Value;
string lastName = inputLastName.Value;
string email = inputEmail.Value;
string phone = inputPhone.Value;
string mobile = inputMobile.Value;
string zip = inputZip.Value;
string city = inputTown.Value;
string company = inputHouse.Value;
string address1 = inputAddress1.Value;
string address2 = inputAddress2.Value;
////get a membertype by its alias
var mt = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.MemberType.GetByAlias(MemberTypeAlias); //needs to be an existing membertype
////get the user(0)
var user = new umbraco.BusinessLogic.User(0);
////create a new member with Member.MakeNew
var member = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member.MakeNew(string.Format("{0} {1}", inputFirstName.Value, inputLastName.Value), inputEmail.Value, mt, user);
////password and loginname
member.Password = inputPassword.Value;
member.LoginName = inputEmail.Value;
////asssign a group, get the group by name, and assign its Id
var group = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.MemberGroup.GetByName(MemberGroupName); //needs to be an existing MemberGroup
////generate the member xml with .XmlGenerate
member.XmlGenerate(new System.Xml.XmlDocument());
////add the member to the website cache to log the member in
int countryId = int.TryParse(ddlCounry.SelectedValue, out countryId) ? countryId : 0;
Country country = Country.Get(countryId);
if (TransactionLibrary.HasBasket())
var basketPurchaseOrder = UCommerce.Runtime.SiteContext.Current.OrderContext.GetBasket().PurchaseOrder;
var address = basketPurchaseOrder.BillingAddress ?? new OrderAddress();
address.AddressName = "Billing";
address.FirstName = firstName;
address.LastName = lastName;
address.EmailAddress = email;
address.PhoneNumber = phone;
address.MobilePhoneNumber = mobile;
address.CompanyName = company;
address.Line1 = address1;
address.Line2 = address2;
address.PostalCode = zip;
address.City = city;
address.State = "";
address.Country = country;// Country.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Great Britain");
address.PurchaseOrder = basketPurchaseOrder;
Customer customer = Customer.Create(address);
basketPurchaseOrder.Customer = customer;
basketPurchaseOrder.BillingAddress = address;
basketPurchaseOrder.Save(); // Saves cascade to children, so the address is saved as well
var availableBillingMethods = TransactionLibrary.GetPaymentMethods(country);
PaymentMethod paymentMethod = availableBillingMethods != null ? availableBillingMethods.FirstOrDefault() : null;
if (paymentMethod != null)
TransactionLibrary.CreatePayment(paymentMethod.Id, requestPayment: false); TransactionLibrary.ExecuteBasketPipeline();
var currentLanguage = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower();
Response.Redirect(string.Format("/{0}/shop/preview", currentLanguage));
Also after this I loose all TransactionLibrary.GetBasket().PurchaseOrder.OrderLines. All products in basket are gone.
I found a problem.Overridden GetBasket method. Fixed this.
is working on a reply...