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  • Bjarne Fyrstenborg 1286 posts 4060 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Mar 11, 2015 @ 21:06
    Bjarne Fyrstenborg

    Separate Contact Settings under two tabs


    Great package!

    Here is some feedback..
    I think it will be more clear if the settings for auto reply and notifications are separated under each tab.

    Use btn-primary or btn-success class on the save-button to make it consistency with the core UI. Also for send-button, when your reply a message.

    <button type="submit" data-hotkey="ctrl+s" class="btn btn-success">
      <localize key="buttons_save">Save</localize>


    The default width is 85% - consider to 100% and maybe just media queries for larger screen sizes?

    Make "Auto Reply Template Node Id" as a content picker or at least <input type="number"> :)

    The dialogs for "spam" and "delete" are very similar.. could it be more more clear, when you mark as spam or delete a message. Maybe use the red delete button for with the text "Delete" ... Furthermore the dialogs should be closed before a new one is opened. E.g. when a dialog is open I can click "spam", "delete", "un-spam" links and new dialogs are opening.

    I have three messages, where 2 are not replied and 1 marked as spam... the spam message is listed under Spam node, but under "Un-Replied Messages" node I can't see the two other messages?

    but I then noticed that those two messages was the 2 messages I had deleted and therefore listed under "Deleted" node - but at some point you want to delete some messages. How do you clear them from the system?

    I also think "All Contact Messages" should have a filter by type.


  • Delly Mellas Nyman 64 posts 316 karma points
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 07:28
    Delly Mellas Nyman

    Hi Bjarne,

    Thanks for your feedback, I have applied your feedback to version 1.0.1.
    If there's any feedback or bugs, feel free to post it here again 


  • Bjarne Fyrstenborg 1286 posts 4060 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 08:13
    Bjarne Fyrstenborg

    Hi Delly

    Great :)
    However when installing v. 1.0.1 in Umbraco 7.2.2 I don't see the labels and I get some errors in the console.


    Error: No controller: form .... <li ng-class="{active: $first, 'tab-error': tabHasError}" ng-repeat="tab in visibleTabs" val-tab="" class="ng-scope">

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'ConfigValue' of undefined

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined



  • Delly Mellas Nyman 64 posts 316 karma points
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 09:09
    Delly Mellas Nyman

    Hi Bjarne,

    Have you tried to clear your browser cache?
    It's looks like it was cache or the database of contactsettings is not configured correctly, may I see the content of your contact settings content?

    I have tried to install this package with Umbraco v7.2.2 and it works fine.

    Already fix this error:
    Error:No controller: form ....<li ng-class="{active: $first, 'tab-error': tabHasError}" ng-repeat="tab in visibleTabs" val-tab=""class="ng-scope"> 


  • Bjarne Fyrstenborg 1286 posts 4060 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 10:02
    Bjarne Fyrstenborg

    Hi Delly

    I was using a nightly build.. it works with a clean Umbraco 7.2.2



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