This package was created during the umbOktoberfest 2014.
It implements document types and an event handler, which set automatically an expire date on news document type nodes, automatic move in a news archive and automatic sorting of news in backend.
It perfectly complements the news doctypes of the "Txt Starter Kit"-package.
Way of working:
There are any custom properties in the newsOverview document type. The eventhandler read this properties everytime, if a content node of news document type is saved. Depending on the values of the custom properties, then the corresponding algorithm is called.
Auto unpublish:
If you have not set an expire date in news node and save this, the expire date is set automatically. You can activate this in newsOverview node and can edit the days, which are added to the current date for expire date.
Auto archive:
You can choose your parent newsArchive node in newsOverview node. Whenever a news node is unpublished, the node is moved to the newsArchive node and is published again. There are a flag "createArchiveNodeAutomatically". If this flag is true, the archive node is created automatically as first child node under newsOverview node.
Auto sort:
Whenever a news node is saved, all news under newsOverview node are sorted.
Change log:
1.0 - Created on umbOktoberfest 2014 - First release (08/29/2014)
1.1 - Implement support for custom properties in auto sort. Now you can add any custom property alias in "Dropdown NewsSort" datatype (09/01/2014)
1.2 - Bugfixing: Delete news node was not possible.
Add feature: Auto create for archive node under newsOverview node (09/02/2014)
1.3 - Bugfixing: Alias for newsArchive Document Type in ContentService.SavedEvent was not dynamic (10/08/2014)