I am wondering if someone is able to help with my query.
I am wanting to embed the 'Latest Tweets' feed across all pages in my website. Currently, I can only get it to work on the homepage. Has anyone achieved this in their own websites? Any ideas/solutions/help will be greatly appreciated
I was attempting to put the twitter feed on a container doc type and all of it's immediate children. I assumed if I put the the twitter datatype on a container doctype, then had the item doctype inherit from that, the twitter property is inherited. Except it appears I need to actually authorise it on every page. So my first thought was to modify the latest tweets partial example to get the property value recursively, or use AncestorOrSelf(1). somewhere. But being new to Umbraco I've not quite figured it out yet.
Twitter Across multiple pages
I am wondering if someone is able to help with my query.
I am wanting to embed the 'Latest Tweets' feed across all pages in my website. Currently, I can only get it to work on the homepage. Has anyone achieved this in their own websites? Any ideas/solutions/help will be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance.
Did you ever figure this out?
I was attempting to put the twitter feed on a container doc type and all of it's immediate children. I assumed if I put the the twitter datatype on a container doctype, then had the item doctype inherit from that, the twitter property is inherited. Except it appears I need to actually authorise it on every page. So my first thought was to modify the latest tweets partial example to get the property value recursively, or use AncestorOrSelf(1). somewhere. But being new to Umbraco I've not quite figured it out yet.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious.
Yes - I did - I had to change the line in the xslt file to the following (where twitter is the property):
<xsl:variable name="config" select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::* [@isDoc]/* [@isDoc and string(twitter) !='']/twitter/uTwit" />
is working on a reply...