My site had mutiple level 1 nodes and I needed search results to check all nodes. This was not working as expected with a "source" macro parameter of -1.
So I made a small modification - apologies if someone has already mentioned it.
Your mods will certainly work but there's already code in there that you can comment in/out to get the same behavior. Here's the code from around line 130 for reference and if anyone else stumbles on this issue.
<xsl:call-templatename="search"> <!-- searches absolutely all pages (useful if you want to search multiple sites at once, or if you do not have all your content pages below a common homepage node in the content tree) <xsl:with-param name="items" select="umbraco.library:GetXmlAll()/*"/> -->
<!-- searches all pages within a specific site (useful if you have multiple sites in one umbraco installation) --> <xsl:with-paramname="items"select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::* [@level = '1']"/> </xsl:call-template>
Full site search not working as expected.
Hi Doug
My site had mutiple level 1 nodes and I needed search results to check all nodes. This was not working as expected with a "source" macro parameter of -1.
So I made a small modification - apologies if someone has already mentioned it.
On line 130 I have changed the following code
To this
This also works...
Cheers from down under - yep the place where the All Blacks live!
Hi, Nigel,
Your mods will certainly work but there's already code in there that you can comment in/out to get the same behavior. Here's the code from around line 130 for reference and if anyone else stumbles on this issue.
cheers, and congrats All Blacks!
Hi Doug
A classic case of not seeing the wood for the trees, or at least seeing the trees but not realising I needed some wood !!!!
Time to crawl under my rock and have a wee sleep.
is working on a reply...