23 votes

Tag Manager

This package is for Umbraco V7 and older.

For the V8 version please refer to this page
The package has been rewritten by uSome for V8 so a massive #h5yr to Melvin and the team for doing this - you rock ! 



This package installs a custom section within the administration area.

It creates a tree view of all tags that have been created by the Umbraco Tag Datatype. 

The tree is split into separate branches for each tag group created - useful if you run multiple blogs on your site, or have multiple tag groups defined in a site.

Functionality includes:

  1. Ability to edit tag data
  2. Ability to delete tags
  3. Tags on nodes / media updated with edited tag
  4. Indication of how many times the tag is currently being used (number in brackets).
  5. Ability to move all tagged nodes to another tag - useful in cases of spelling mistakes, cleaning up tags, etc.
  6. Links to content and media where tag is used.

No "add" functionality has been incorporated into the package - I have deliberately omitted this , believing that this package is more for maintaining data rather than creating it.

The package adds permissions to all users on install. If you wish to restrict access, then please remove user access after install.

Release 5.1 (5 March 2019)
Fix for media items not being listed in package

Release 5.0 (23 January 2018)
Built on V 7.7

Release 4.0
Built on V 7.5.7
New "splash" screen on entry to section.
Node and media data is now updated after edit. If node is published (with no saved changes) the node will be published, otherwise the change is saved only.

Release 3.2
Typo on edit view. 
Bug fix re merging tags
Change to not display edit form when clicking the group.
Thanks to Anne (http://our.umbraco.org/member/140945) for providing feedback on these updates.
Release 3.1
Bug fix for SQL commands and SQLCE. 
Thanks to Dmitriy (http://our.umbraco.org/member/140734) for providing code updates.
Release 3.0
This is the update which is coded for Version 7. 
I haven't figured out how to refresh the tree when tags are merged so this is something I'd love to hear from members about so I can update the package. Other than that, it is working as the original package.
Release 2.1
Addition of functionality to merge tags in the cases of duplicates with minor spelling errors, etc. Useful for larger sites where staff may load slightly differing tags causing a large number of similar or unsuitable tags. A separate button has been incorporated into this functionality to allow for a JavaScript confirm dialogue to be included as the process is not reversable - it would require manual reloading of tags on nodes / media.
Release 2.0 - Version 4.11 & 6+ compatability
Update to install code to write entries to trees.config & applications.config instead of database.

Release 1.3 - Bug Fix
Data was not being inserted umbracoApp table if the table was empty - SQL statement updated to avoid SQL insert statement failing.

Package has been tested on a clean install of 4.9 and so assume package is compatible with 4.8.



Release 1.2 - Bug Fix
The delete process was not functioning correctly. Whilst the tag was removed client side upon "Delete" it was not being deleted from the database. This has now been corrected.

Release 1.1
A small (but very nice) enhancement courtesy of Ismail Mayat (http://our.umbraco.org/member/1203). When editing a tag there is now a list of nodes tagged with the tag with the ability to click through to the node. The site tree remains as the Tag Maintenance Tree but you are able to edit the node record once you have clicked through to it.




Package owner

Nigel Wilson

Nigel Wilson

Nigel has 2077 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions: 7.6.x, 7.3.x, 7.2.x

Package Information

  • Package owner: Nigel Wilson
  • Created: 07/12/2011
  • Current version 5.1
  • .NET version 4.7.2
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 8.2K

External resources