Status: ReleasedReleased on Not yet determined
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
NuGet and NPM dependencies updated to the latest minor and patch versions
The NuGet and NPM dependencies have been updated to the latest versions that did not contain breaking changes.
Performance optimizations when indexing content with blocks
We managed to make some performance optimizations that make indexing of content with a lot of nested types (Block list, Block Grid, etc) faster.
Performance optimizations when editing content with many Multi URL Pickers
We found small performance improvements to the Multi Url Picker when editing content in the backoffice.
Opt-in to seed NuCache in one-go
A new setting has been made available, that lets you seed uncached with one massive query, instead of doing it paged. This can increase boot times significantly, but be aware it will put some pressure on your database.
A handful of bug fixes
A handful of bug fixes that have been made for later versions of Umbraco have been ported back to Umbraco 10.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (1)
Dependencies (2)
UI and UX updates (2)
Bugfixes (12)
- Back Office: Tag suggestions getting hid by Summary field
- Non-existing class referenced in DefaultPropertyValueConverter documentation
- ModelsBuilder GetModelPropertyType fails when the "itemType" is "Element"
- Issuu embed does not work
- API examinemanagement/GetIndexerDetails throws 500 when an index is corrupt
- Fixes #14351 - Using Fallback to default langauge on a specific item changes the whole VariationContext
- fix: ensured that allowed user name characters are supported in backo…
- Make sure to sign out external users if an error occurs during sign-in
- Fixed a couple of occurrences where scopes was auto-completed while modified db state
- Check content permissions before performing action
- Ensure that missing access rules do not break the site
- Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes