Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, December 14 2023
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
The final version is now available on Nuget.
Changes in RC2 (Requires .NET8 final)
- Updated to .NET 8 final - #15204
- Delivery API nested property expansion and output limiting - #15124
- Use header value to set culture instead of only config value - #15168
- Refactor hosted services into background jobs - #14291
- Add [SpecialType] attributes to request & response - #15103
- Improve logging of invalid reference relations - #15160
- Fix rendering and parsing new RTE markup object in backoffice - #15166
- Fixed upgrade issue when nucache was already used it could not be cleared - #15085
- Batched bulk WhereIn query to avoid To mana paramaters error - #15004
- Ensure invariant properties return the correct cache value at source level - #15145
- Fix issue with 2FA login - #15140
- Changes PackageMigrationsPlans to be a weighted collection - c8dff604
- Fix WithCollectionBuilder helper methods nullability - #15143
- Fix FurthestAncestorOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep and FurthestDescendantOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep - #15113
- Avoid duplicate id's on the login screen - #15111
- Ensure that missing access rules do not break the site - #15081
- Fix custom dbcontexts extention methods - #14937
- Using Fallback to default langauge on a specific item changes the whole VariationContext - #14620
- UI for preview bug related to single language & non variant content #15032
- Dynamic root feature translations (Dutch) - #15109
- Workflow changes
- Added edit page for web hooks - #15175
- Add authorization to WebhookController - #15178
- Translate webhooks keys to Dutch - #15091
- Added notifications to the webhook service - #15174
- Update IWebHookService to proper casing - #15169
- Add eventype to webhookevents - #15157
- Add tree access to webhooks - #15156
- AddWebhookEvent to UmbracoBuilderExtensions - #15099
- Update webhook log table using constant - #15101
- UI improvements - #15077
- New WebhookEventBase class - #15129
- Remove setter from WebhookEvent - #15106
Changes in RC3
- Login screen design refresh - #15037
- Add output caching to the Delivery API - #15216
- Dynamic root with culture and segment - #15287
- Updated rich text parser interfaces to support context cache - #15220
- Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes - #15239
- Clear cached PublishedDataTypes when content types are updated - #15253
- Webhook improvements & fixes
Changes in RC4
- Fixed issue with media not cached correctly - #15196
- Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes - #15239
- Add more css custom properties to style the login screen - #15301
- Cache block item constructors for block based editors - #15264
- Delivery API composite id handler - #15305
- Media Picker 3 should not be used as a macro parameter #15330
- Fix regression for external login providers #15334
- Webhook improvements and fixes
- Webhook all the things - #15161
- Change WebhookEventCollectionBuilder to set collection #15351
- Move helper methods for adding webhooks to extension methods #15344
- Use fluent API for adding webhook events and add document type events #15345
- Use named HttpClients #15375
- Log retrycount and properly log request headers #15390
- Link to error when Webhook request exceptions happen #15391
Changes in RC5
- Fix disposed DbContext issue - #15410
- Remove date header from webhook request - #15407
- Ensure thread safety for block editor constructor caches - #15425
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (7)
Breaking changes (19)
- Use ISO codes instead of language IDs for fallback languages and translations
- Breaking changes for the Delivery API
- V13: New login screen
- Updated NuGet Dependencies
- Fix `JsonNetSerializer` settings leaking into derived implementations
- Add default property value converters for all value types
- V13: Add config to limit concurrent logins
- Updates and support for re-use of CMS logic in Deploy
- Dont explicitly index nested property by default
- Blocks in the Rich Text Editor
- Fix FurthestAncestorOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep and FurthestDescendantOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep
- Remove parameter value/return nullability in `IImageSourceParser`, `ILocalLinkParser` and `IMacroParser`
- Update PackageMigrationsPlans collection to be Weighted and not Lazy
- Move IContextCache parameter to base Deploy interfaces and add checksum to artifact dependency
- V13: Update IWebHookService to proper casing
- V13: Implement webhook as i entity
- Change `WebhookEventCollectionBuilder` to set collection
- V13: Log webhook firing exceptions when they happen
- Remove date header from webhook request and use constants
Acceptance tests (1)
Dependencies (6)
Developer experience (8)
- Refactor hostedServices into background jobs
- Added `[NotNullWhen(true)]` attribute to `IPublishedSnapshotAccessor` and `UmbracoContextPublishedSnapshotAccessor`
- Added word-wrap so block item doesn't extend over the whole line
- AddWebhookEvent to UmbracoBuilderExtensions
- V13: Webhook all the things
- AddDynamicRootStep to UmbracoBuilderExtensions
- Add HealthCheckCompletedNotification
- Add HealthCheckCompletedWebhookEvent
Front end (2)
Obsolete methods (1)
Refactor (1)
UI and UX updates (1)
Other features (5)
Bugfixes (49)
- V12.1.2 - Unable to specify order of PackageMigrations for execution
- Can't upgrade to 12 when 'ShowMaintenancePageWhenInUpgradeState' is set to false
- V13 RC: Webhooks - Nothing is in log & exception thrown when content published
- V13 RC: Webhook - Content Type list defaults to MediaTypes for Custom Webhook.
- V13 RC - IWebhookEvent - EventName shouldn't have a setter?
- V12.3 / V13 RC - Values not populated for culture invariant properties
- Umbraco 12.3.1 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Umbraco.Cms.Web.Common.AspNetCore.AspNetCoreSessionManager.get_SessionId()
- Changing the Approved State of a member give an error
- v13 - UUI no longer exported to be used by packages
- InvalidOperationException in 13.0.0-rc4
- Added BlockEditorDataConverter method to BlockListPropertyEditorBase …
- V13: Add support for Node.js 20
- Update nuget packages
- V13: Webhook corrections
- Translate webhooks keys to Dutch
- Update webhook log table using constant
- Dynamic root feature translations (Dutch)
- Aligned parameters on sync and async methods on IFileSource.
- Fix WithCollectionBuilder helper methods nullability
- Add comments to methods in `IWebHookService`
- V13: Add eventype to webhookevents
- Use header value instead if present to set culture on request
- Added notifications to the webhook service
- V13: request queueing
- V13: Add authorization to WebhookController
- V13: Refactor webhookservice to attempt pattern
- V13: Webhook logging cleanup
- Add output caching to the Delivery API
- Configure Angular cookie using defaults from antiforgery options and fix logging
- Updated rich text parser interfaces to support context cache.
- Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes
- V13: Webhook logs formatting
- V13: Fix proper serialization of webhook object
- V13: Fix AddWebhookDatabaseLock migration
- V13: Change request column to NVarcharMax
- V13 Bugfix. Added backend validation for checking if a webhook has any events
- V13: Fix missing contenttype in webhook
- Dynamic root with culture and segment
- Fix `IWebhook.GetUdi()` and `IEntity.GetUdi()` extension methods
- V13: Delivery API composite id handler
- Log meaningful job names and use template based log messages
- V13: Migrate webhook url columms to NVarCharMax
- Move helper methods for adding webhooks to extension methods
- Use fluent API for adding webhook events and add document type events
- Add range filter options to the Delivery API
- Update nuget packages 05-12-2023 for V13
- Use named HttpClients
- V13: Log retrycount and properly log request headers
- V13: Link to error when Webhook request exceptions happen