

Status: Released

Released on Thursday, December 14 2023

There is a newer version available - v14.1.1

Recommended install from the command line:

dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::13.0.0
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject"
dotnet run --project "MyProject"
Or use any of the alternative ways to install Umbraco.

Release notes

The final version is now available on Nuget.

Changes in RC2 (Requires .NET8 final)

  • Updated to .NET 8 final - #15204
  • Delivery API nested property expansion and output limiting - #15124
  • Use header value to set culture instead of only config value - #15168
  • Refactor hosted services into background jobs - #14291
  • Add [SpecialType] attributes to request & response - #15103
  • Improve logging of invalid reference relations - #15160
  • Fix rendering and parsing new RTE markup object in backoffice - #15166
  • Fixed upgrade issue when nucache was already used it could not be cleared - #15085
  • Batched bulk WhereIn query to avoid To mana paramaters error - #15004
  • Ensure invariant properties return the correct cache value at source level - #15145
  • Fix issue with 2FA login - #15140
  • Changes PackageMigrationsPlans to be a weighted collection - c8dff604
  • Fix WithCollectionBuilder helper methods nullability - #15143
  • Fix FurthestAncestorOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep and FurthestDescendantOrSelfDynamicRootQueryStep - #15113
  • Avoid duplicate id's on the login screen - #15111
  • Ensure that missing access rules do not break the site - #15081
  • Fix custom dbcontexts extention methods - #14937
  • Using Fallback to default langauge on a specific item changes the whole VariationContext - #14620
  • UI for preview bug related to single language & non variant content #15032
  • Dynamic root feature translations (Dutch) - #15109
  • Workflow changes
    • Added edit page for web hooks - #15175
    • Add authorization to WebhookController - #15178
    • Translate webhooks keys to Dutch - #15091
    • Added notifications to the webhook service - #15174
    • Update IWebHookService to proper casing - #15169
    • Add eventype to webhookevents - #15157
    • Add tree access to webhooks - #15156
    • AddWebhookEvent to UmbracoBuilderExtensions - #15099
    • Update webhook log table using constant - #15101
    • UI improvements - #15077
    • New WebhookEventBase class - #15129
    • Remove setter from WebhookEvent - #15106


Changes in RC3

  • Login screen design refresh - #15037
  • Add output caching to the Delivery API - #15216
  • Dynamic root with culture and segment - #15287
  • Updated rich text parser interfaces to support context cache - #15220
  • ​Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes - #15239
  • Clear cached PublishedDataTypes when content types are updated - #15253
  • Webhook improvements & fixes
    • Fix AddWebhookDatabaseLock migration - #15250
    • Fix proper serialization of webhook object - #15248
    • Implement webhook as i entity - #15267
    • Change WebhookLog status for clarity - #15247
    • Webhook logs formatting - #15246


Changes in RC4

  • Fixed issue with media not cached correctly - #15196
  • Ensure content types are updated in ContentStore when a data type changes - #15239
  • Add more css custom properties to style the login screen - #15301
  • Cache block item constructors for block based editors - #15264
  • Delivery API composite id handler - #15305
  • Media Picker 3 should not be used as a macro parameter #15330
  • Fix regression for external login providers #15334
  • Webhook improvements and fixes
    • Webhook all the things - #15161
    • Change WebhookEventCollectionBuilder to set collection #15351
    • Move helper methods for adding webhooks to extension methods #15344
    • Use fluent API for adding webhook events and add document type events #15345
    • Use named HttpClients #15375
    • Log retrycount and properly log request headers #15390
    • Link to error when Webhook request exceptions happen #15391


Changes in RC5

  • Fix disposed DbContext issue - #15410
  • Remove date header from webhook request - #15407
  • Ensure thread safety for block editor constructor caches - #15425

Related changes from the issue tracker

Notable features (7)
Breaking changes (19)
Acceptance tests (1)
Dependencies (6)
Developer experience (8)
Front end (2)
Obsolete methods (1)
Refactor (1)
UI and UX updates (1)
Other features (5)
Bugfixes (49)