
Status: Released

Released on Thursday, March 7 2024

There is a newer version available - v15.3.0

Recommended install from the command line:

dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::13.2.0
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject"
dotnet run --project "MyProject"
Or use any of the alternative ways to install Umbraco.

Release notes

13.2.0 is now live on NuGet


Of the 40 bug fixes and feature additions in Umbraco 13.2.0, a total of 29 of them have been contributed by the community, by 21 unique contributors.

We’re welcoming 5 brand new contributors who have made their first pull request for Umbraco CMS; they’re marked with a star below. Welcome to the contributor club Anna Gevel, Terence Burridge, nagolucky18, Rachel Drake and Christian Vågan 🏆

Bjarne Fyrstenborg - 4 PRs Erik-Jan Westendorp - 3 PRs
Ethan Nagano - 2 PRs Jeavon Leopold - 2 PRs
Liam Laverty - 2 PRs Mehmet Yildiz - 1 PR
Nikolaj Brask-Nielsen - 1 PR Ambert van Unen - 1 PR
Jan Skovgaard - 1 PR Vitor Rodrigues - 1 PR
⭐ Anna Gevel - 1 PR ⭐ Terence Burridge - 1 PR
Rowan Bottema - 1 PR Lucas Bach Bisgaard - 1 PR
Søren Kottal - 1 PR Lars-Erik Aabach - 1 PR
MrJackWilson - 1 PR ⭐ Rachel Drake - 1 PR
Markus Johansson - 1 PR Matthew Wise - 1 PR
⭐ Christian Vågan - 1 PR

⭐ = First pull request to Umbraco CMS

And of course, as a thank you, we’ve just added another bunch of trees to our growing plot for today’s 13.2.0 release to celebrate your contributions! 🌳🌲🌴

Related changes from the issue tracker

Accessibility (1)
Auditing (1)
Dependencies (1)
Developer experience (5)
Front end (2)
Localization (4)
Refactor (4)
Test automation (1)
UI and UX updates (10)
Bugfixes (15)