
Status: Released

Released on Thursday, April 18 2024

There is a newer version available - v15.3.0

Recommended install from the command line:

dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::13.3.0
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject"
dotnet run --project "MyProject"
Or use any of the alternative ways to install Umbraco.

Release notes

Of the 17 bug fixes and feature additions in Umbraco 13.3.0, a total of 13 of them have been contributed by the community, by 12 unique contributors.

We’re welcoming 5 brand new contributors who have made their first pull request for Umbraco CMS; they’re marked with a star below. Welcome to the contributor club Awlad Hussain, fg-gsc, Pavel Mikhailichenko, Stefan Stankovic and Joe Dearsley 🏆

Chad - 2 PRs Matthew Care - 1 PR
Steve Morgan - 1 PR ⭐ Awlad Hussain - 1 PR
Ethan Nagano - 1 PR Erik-Jan Westendorp - 1 PR
Owain Jones - 1 PR ⭐ fg-gsc - 1 PR
⭐ Pavel Mikhailichenko - 1 PR ⭐ Stefan Stankovic - 1 PR
Albin Johannesen - 1 PR ⭐ Joe Dearsley - 1 PR

⭐ = First pull request to Umbraco CMS

And of course, as a thank you, we’ve just added another bunch of trees to our growing plot for today’s 13.3.0 release to celebrate your contributions! 🌳🌲🌴

Related changes from the issue tracker