

Status: Released

Released on Tuesday, February 9 2021

There is a newer version available - v14.3.1


This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.

Downloaded 2370 times - uploaded 09 February 2021


Downloaded 751 times - uploaded 09 February 2021

Also available on NuGet

Release notes

The 7.15.7 release contains bugfixes to the 7.15.6 release.

Note: As of July 1 2021, Umbraco version 7 is in security maintenance mode. This means that no more regular version 7 releases are expected. If any urgent security problems need to be fixed in version 7 then we will create a specific release for that.

For more information, make sure to read up on our Long-term Support (LTS) and End-of-Life (EOL) strategy

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