This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 3986 times - uploaded 15 January
Downloaded 1203 times - uploaded 15 January 2016Release notes
Version 7.3.5 features updates to fix working with macros, much improved performance for people with large media libraries, more fixes to edge cases where people would get logged out unnecessarily, improvements to flexible load balanced environments and improvements to scheduled publishing.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.3.x
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- U4-1744 - Missing DefaultProvider RegEx in providers for UrlRewritingNet
- U4-5168 - Media Items label says "Document Type" instead of "Media Type"
- U4-5982 - Webpages unpublishing by themselves
- U4-6322 - Items with delayed publishing get published too early
- U4-7312 - GetBigThumbnail is slow when working with large media folders
- U4-7400 - datepicker after upgrade to 7.3.1 from 7.1.6 doesn't keep its persisted value up-to-date in real time
- U4-7553 - Importing Document Type doesn't respect property sort order
- U4-7558 - Fix GetAll repository level caching for repositories that return a query result based on the result of GetAll
- U4-7561 - Backoffice Media Section should provide information on physical location of files
- U4-7605 - Colons/Parens Unnecessarily Removed From Data Type Names
- U4-7624 - Datepicker Sql server error
- U4-7643 - DatabaseServerMessenger.cs causes lucene indexes to rebuild on app startup
- U4-7648 - Ensure that property label does set focus on input where possible
- U4-7652 - Follow recommendations as proposed by PVS Studio
- U4-7681 - Legacy CMSNode.Parent uses old SqlHelper API and doesn't keep a reference
- U4-7706 - Property Type UniqueIds do not stay consistent during package installation
- U4-7709 - Ensures correct error message in UI is shown when PublishStatusType.FailedHasExpired has occurred
- U4-7710 - ContentService - Checks if content has expired or is awaiting release before publishing
- U4-7711 - Set the publish status of new content version to saved if validation of publication fails e.g. a release date of the future or past unpublish date
- U4-7712 - fcnMode = Single by default
- U4-7740 - Speed up the current user's culture lookup
- U4-4932 - Slider data type display value precision issue
- U4-6659 - Examine: Specific doctype not being indexed
- U4-6873 - Adding nosniff-header breaks PNG-images in Internet Explorer
- U4-694 - Image thumbnails always have the .jpg extension
- U4-7223 - GetCropUrl outputs html entities in url when used in css
- U4-7249 - Insert Macro split button, when selecting a macro that has parameters the dialog should immediately show those
- U4-7424 - Macro error message should be picked from language files
- U4-7462 - Macro with multiline textfield property cannot be inserted in RTE if there are multiple lines of text
- U4-7477 - xss char stripping on data type names is being too agressive
- U4-7495 - Back Office Not Respecting KeepUserLoggedIn Setting
- U4-7503 - X-AspNet-Mvc-Version header is returned
- U4-7508 - Actions menu is not shown for media items under list view
- U4-7522 - Unnecessary internal/swallowed MissingMemberException in DeepCloneHelper
- U4-7536 - Sign-out in back office will call all ASP.Net identity middleware sign out methods
- U4-7538 - GetRemainingTimeoutSeconds is double setting the cookie in 7.4
- U4-7539 - TextService.Localize should return en-US if key is not available in current language
- U4-7609 - Can't install packages IE in Umbraco Backend