This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 3411 times - uploaded 11 February
Downloaded 1316 times - uploaded 11 February 2016Release notes
"Content type editor update"
- New content type editor
- Some UX polish + documentation
- Media library improvements
- Grid polish
- Password for user panel (no dashboard)
- Models Builder
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.3.x / 7.4 pre-releases
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
Note: If you're upgrading manually: make sure to merge both web.config in the root AND the web.config in the Views folder and Dashboard.config/trees.config in the Config folder.
Note: if you're doing a NuGet upgrade from 7.4.0-RC1 then your web.config will be overwritten completely, make sure to back it up first and then restore it after NuGet is done working. This will not happen in future upgrades and only affects upgrading from this one specific version 7.4.0-RC1. You will also lose the App_Browsers folder, make sure to copy those files back in too.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-6911 - Content type folders
- U4-7178 - Media library
- U4-7184 - UX Polish + UI docs
- U4-7202 - Data type folders
- U4-7309 - ViewHelper needs a class from ModelsBuilder
- U4-7366 - Grid polish - improve content editor experience
- U4-7669 - Update Newtonsoft.Json dependency to v8.0.1 from v6.0.5
- U4-7688 - Indicator for mandatory/required properties in the new Document Type editor.
- U4-7727 - Pick only images from media
- U4-7840 - Wish - Ability to disable/hide bulk operations with list views on data type
- U4-7848 - Define which group custom property editor should belong
- U4-7871 - Media picker - add functionality to go to media item when an image has been picked
- U4-7887 - Make PetaPoco CommandTimeout configurable
- U4-7925 - Add dependency injection to Umbraco.Web.Trees.TreeController*
- U4-7411 - Upgrade plugin script for slider property editor
Breaking Changes
- U4-7134 - New content type editor requires CRUD access to data types
- U4-7143 - Obsoleting unnused core directives
- U4-7150 - Inconsistent tree aliases
- U4-7293 - Update legacy Folder Browser to use umb-media-grid directive instead of the umb-photo-folder
- U4-7537 - File cleanup for old content type editor
- U4-7549 - For new installs make the Image use the image cropper instead of upload
- U4-7556 - Export/import document types isn't available in 7.4
- U4-7579 - 7.4 Beta - Document Type Alias is camelCase
- U4-7591 - File cleanup for old editor 'tasks' and 'create' dialogs
- U4-7695 - Media items are not updated when a new crop is added to Image Cropper
- U4-7699 - Cannot add properties to the generic tab
- U4-7738 - Validate content type aliases - ensure unique across all three content type types
- U4-7825 - Remove Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers and Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data dependencies from nuget
- U4-7891 - Image Cropper needs a property value converter to return a strongly typed model, json or a string when requested.
Issues & Tasks
- U4-2670 - Add event to modify the model before being sent to render
- U4-4051 - Remember latest folder in media archive / select media
- U4-4652 - Missing Decimal/Double data types
- U4-4761 - Member translation
- U4-5523 - Showing "Change Password" dashboard when users log in is confusing - gives the impression they need to change their password
- U4-6121 - RelatedLinks datatype sorting not working correctly
- U4-6144 - Deleting an assigned composition causes SQL Exception
- U4-6297 - Add Settings to Grid Controls
- U4-6407 - Change Document Type feature on a node doesn't support compositions
- U4-6510 - Norwegian labels, dictionary and language in 7.2.4
- U4-6725 - Content Type Editor - anoying visual bug when creating a new tab
- U4-6826 - New Content Type Editor with an upload field has JS errors
- U4-6828 - In the new doc type editor, when adding a property but then canceling the dialog, the new empty property shouldn't remain
- U4-6829 - In the new doc type editor, any composition tab should be 'locked' (readonly) however I can still click the button to add a property to it
- U4-6837 - New content type editor: availableCompositeContentTypes could be moved to service.
- U4-6839 - New content type editor: allowedContentTypes can contain id=0
- U4-6849 - New content type editor: Adding Properties but not adding an editor, you can save type, but makes an server error on saving the type.
- U4-6854 - Grid editor - insert control: Make blue area clickable
- U4-6876 - New Content Type Editor: Reordering of properties and tabs are not saved
- U4-6877 - New content type editor: remove list view data types from list of editors
- U4-6889 - New content type editor: Rename tab after save removes all properties on that tab
- U4-6890 - New content type editor: Missing sorting of properties from server
- U4-6905 - New content type editor: GetSafeAlias service returns alias as camelCase and not PascalCase
- U4-6906 - New content type editor: Default icon for new document types should not be folder
- U4-6924 - Ensure drag/drop media uploads show notifications - since the way this works has been overhauled in 7.4
- U4-6927 - Need to do full browser refresh on package uninstall
- U4-6979 - Property type picker icons does not align
- U4-7058 - New content type editor: saving new data types
- U4-7119 - New Content Type editor requires server side validation wired up
- U4-7136 - Client side validation no longer works for header text
- U4-7138 - Need to review hard coded view paths, section and tree names
- U4-7172 - When a locked field is unlock, focus and select value
- U4-7173 - Remove static value in document type delete dialog
- U4-7174 - Doctype create dialog polish
- U4-7175 - Discard changes overlay sometimes breaks the url
- U4-7176 - Content copy should relate to original by default
- U4-7177 - Tree dialogs disappear after opening
- U4-7179 - Configure views for list view
- U4-7180 - List view bulk actions
- U4-7181 - Media listview supports upload
- U4-7182 - Replace the media image grid with flexbox
- U4-7183 - Media item details overlay
- U4-7186 - Go through the remaining dialogs and check for consistency
- U4-7204 - The grid: The insert control overlay do not close on mouse out
- U4-7205 - As default all aliases should be camelCase
- U4-7207 - Cant save partial view more then once
- U4-7209 - Set background image on grid
- U4-7212 - All new text for content type editor needs to be localized.
- U4-7215 - Shared pagination for all layouts
- U4-7224 - Update UI to support validation changes in new Content Type Editor
- U4-7240 - Change add property color to blue
- U4-7241 - Add more contrast to editor picker icons
- U4-7242 - Editor picker: editor details are not removed when mouse leaves item
- U4-7246 - Integer datatype PropertyEditor is missing ValueType definition
- U4-7251 - When changing a data type name to be the same as another we suffix the duplication with a number - this needs to be reflected in the UI
- U4-7259 - Styling issue with new Content Type Editor Property Type aliases
- U4-7264 - Support for folder upload
- U4-7265 - Can't create a new member group
- U4-7273 - Umbraco 7.4 - When creating a folder an error message is shown
- U4-7274 - Umbraco 7.4 - Not possible to delete a folder
- U4-7286 - Upgrade script to normalize all GUIDs for content types + update Courier to support it
- U4-7292 - New Content Type Editor - re-ordering property types doesn't work
- U4-7303 - Shift + select to select a range of items
- U4-7321 - Update Doc type edit link on content item for 7.4 since it will be different
- U4-7336 - Can't See Compositions Until Saving Doctype
- U4-7337 - Change Wording in Doctype Editor
- U4-7342 - List view layout restyling + move table to a directive
- U4-7343 - Change the order of trees under Settings: Make "Document Type" the first item in the settings section
- U4-7371 - New Content type editor - Better validation when trying to create a new document/media/member type with the same name as an existing one
- U4-7373 - Error notifications shown are hidden underneath the dialogs
- U4-7384 - Improve UI for View - Fix bread crumbs when list view is used as a data type
- U4-7387 - It's not possible to select folders in listview in media section
- U4-7394 - Missing maxFilseSize variable from web.config in the backoffice
- U4-7438 - Grid - Sorting of controls/editors
- U4-7439 - Grid - Prefix markup classes with umb-
- U4-7440 - Grid - Controls overlay is cut of by the tree
- U4-7441 - Grid - Hide row picker when Grid has content (show + icon)
- U4-7442 - Grid - Hide Layout picker when only one layout is configured
- U4-7443 - Grid - Visual indication of settings/styles added to row/cells
- U4-7444 - Grid - Place Richtext editor toolbar in control (static positioning) + remove sticky when scrolling
- U4-7445 - Grid - Make sure localization works for buttons and help txt
- U4-7446 - Grid - Confirm dialog on delete row/cell
- U4-7447 - Grid - Touch support
- U4-7448 - Grid - Sorting view
- U4-7449 - Cannot create datatype in new content type editor
- U4-7478 - Set cookie to remember last chosen list view layout
- U4-7490 - Update umb-photo-folder to use umb-media-grid in the media picker
- U4-7524 - Markdown editor - doesn't save content changes after using buttons.
- U4-7531 - Document breaking changes in U4-7372
- U4-7541 - umbAutoResize does not work in Microsoft Edge
- U4-7551 - New Content type editor dialog to select an editor for a property type needs the "Default" and "Reuse" tab functionality changed
- U4-7557 - Support folders for import/export, packaging
- U4-7560 - Default member properties should not be editable
- U4-7564 - "Save and publish" button menu skewed [7.4.0-beta]
- U4-7566 - Property values are not horizontally aligned with labels
- U4-7567 - Inconsistent use of border-radius on buttons and input
- U4-7568 - Only set focus on header name input when creating new node
- U4-7569 - Listview should not loose focus after filtering
- U4-7571 - Thumbnail in dialog panel has text-decoration
- U4-7572 - Prevent dragging media image uploader illustration
- U4-7573 - Scrollbar does not stick to bottom-bar
- U4-7574 - Adjust grid "choose type of content" items to fit container
- U4-7575 - Deselecting items in the MNTP are not deselected
- U4-7578 - Can't pick folders in any media picker in 7.4 beta
- U4-7581 - Why so curvy?
- U4-7582 - When searching in media with no results, show a no results message
- U4-7584 - can't preview any content due to external google font
- U4-7588 - Conflicting compositions should not be allowed
- U4-7590 - List view layout cookie: Change to use local storage and clean up entry if its back to default layout.
- U4-7593 - Removing a composite from an existing doctype - Need better UI/error reporting (your data goes with it!)
- U4-7598 - Database upgrade to 7.4.0 fails: Invalid object name 'cmsPropertyTypeGroup'
- U4-7606 - Set focus on input when clicking search icon
- U4-7607 - Listview jump a few pixels down, when selecting items
- U4-7610 - IE doesn't recognise .json files in some environments (Azure)
- U4-7612 - Properties Pane is empty when trying to add a new Property to a new or existing Document Type
- U4-7619 - Image Cropper Resizer Only Changes Height (and Not Width)
- U4-7625 - Rounded corners for datepicker dialog
- U4-7626 - Ensure consistency in context menu items
- U4-7629 - Help-dialog doesn't open, when user-dialog is open
- U4-7630 - Cannot save a document type when it has a date picker required property with the new property type editor in 7.4
- U4-7634 - Put back in inherited doc types - enabled with config option
- U4-7638 - Make larger area of tree node clickable
- U4-7639 - Misleading message on creating first document type and click on "compositions"
- U4-7642 - Legacy membertype object throws error when retrieving property types
- U4-7644 - Misleading description of choosing package file
- U4-7651 - Hide button spinner, when validation errors occur for datatype
- U4-7653 - List view - can't remove custom layouts
- U4-7654 - Recycle bin now display a input instead of a readonly heading
- U4-7665 - When adding tab without save and remove it again "Add another tab" should be shown again
- U4-7674 - Fixed header for doc type "Compositions" and "Reorder" links
- U4-7675 - Changing doc type icon doesn't set dirty property for form
- U4-7676 - Don't show "Reorder" link in initial row-view for grid
- U4-7683 - Search on Property Editors/Data Types in new Content Type Editor should display two results - resuse / available
- U4-7687 - Create dialog briefly show "no allowed document types" text
- U4-7691 - 7.4 beta - Document composition is not working with media types
- U4-7694 - Make media folders work as list view and media items - click folder to select and click folder name to open
- U4-7696 - New content type editor - server side validation fails when creating new document type
- U4-7698 - Change document type results in sql error
- U4-7700 - 7.4 beta Backoffice Routing problem for Custom Sections or Installed Packages with a custom section
- U4-7701 - Unable to Delete Member in Member Section
- U4-7707 - Can't unassign assigned composition from content type until it has been saved
- U4-7713 - Xml Cache Data integrity - fix button is not working as it should
- U4-7715 - Update Gallery snippet for ImageCropper instead of the upload in 7.4.0
- U4-7716 - Content type editor - YSOD when adding a property with the same alias as it's parent
- U4-7720 - Media grid doesn't display preview for animated gif
- U4-7722 - Show checkmark when hover image in media grid
- U4-7724 - Click on remove file(s) link, on an item in the media section, doesn't set dirty for form
- U4-7725 - Backend / Full witdth image / Settings / Set a background image - Is out of focus.
- U4-7728 - Folder view in media section gives an exception
- U4-7729 - 7.4.0-Beta Cannot drag and Drop PDF on Media Section
- U4-7731 - Models Builder - Handle content type name collisions better
- U4-7732 - Grid changes do not trigger Unsaved Changes notification
- U4-7734 - Models Builder - YSOD with custom models (non Model Builder models)
- U4-7736 - Problem with duplicate properties when creating child document types
- U4-7737 - Models Builder - Disabled by default
- U4-7739 - Models Builder - Model class names overlap with other c# library names
- U4-7741 - Models Builder - need to move /UserControls/.../BuildModels.ascx to App_Plugins/ModelsBuilder/UserControls/BuildModels.ascx
- U4-7742 - Review Model Builder classes/methods and make apis internal that may be volatile
- U4-7744 - Better validation message when Reordering tabs
- U4-7745 - 7.4 Property Editor & Keyboard Shortcuts
- U4-7747 - Models Builder - Update Umbraco Core to delegate control of the markup generated when creating a template - Models Builder when enabled needs to create the markup
- U4-7748 - Models Builder - needs to be in control of the models-out-of-date status
- U4-7749 - Split slider moved all the way to the left causes UI display issues
- U4-7751 - The template markup generated can be incorrect - based on casing which causes YSOD
- U4-7755 - 7.4 beta 2 Nuget Installation error
- U4-7759 - Imagepicker setting in Grid broken in 7.4-beta2
- U4-7760 - Attempt to delete a document type that acts as a composition of another generates error message
- U4-7761 - Typo on Allowed Templates label
- U4-7762 - Move document or media briefly show error- and success placeholders + odd position of checkmark at root level
- U4-7763 - Missing AngularJS module: ngMockE2E when running local development server with Grunt
- U4-7765 - disable folder select + only allow images in grid image picker
- U4-7770 - List view icon on content node not displayed properly
- U4-7772 - Cursor jumps when editing alias in new ContentType editor
- U4-7775 - Ctrl + S doesn't work in new document type editor
- U4-7778 - Models Builder - Configuration updates to be consistent: UmbracoConfig.For.ModelsBuilder() and config by code during startup
- U4-7783 - Member can edit / show on profile don't exist any more in 7.4.0
- U4-7788 - Sort table - borders for cells do not align
- U4-7797 - Remove context-menu divider when there only is one action
- U4-7799 - ModelsBuilder button in Content Type Editor should save the current content type
- U4-7806 - Possible to interact with property editor "preview" in document type editor
- U4-7815 - List view - bug when custom list view has been created.
- U4-7817 - Resizable handle - remove top/bottom border
- U4-7818 - Moved Document Type Reverts to Prior Location on Save
- U4-7819 - Notification text on saves is incorrect
- U4-7832 - Editing property alias chomps 1st character
- U4-7842 - Query Builder "Sort by" direction button changes case when clicked
- U4-7844 - ModelsBuilder - Model bind strongly typed models in controllers
- U4-7845 - Show drop zone in media section
- U4-7846 - Media grid missing min-height on item + make media item sizes as attr so they can be set outside the directive
- U4-7847 - Do not allow folders to be created underneath content types (or data types)
- U4-7851 - Grid layout RTE formats not being applied.
- U4-7861 - Moving a ContentType graph breaks parent/child relationships
- U4-7863 - Remove Nuget requirement: Microsoft.Net.Http - this is not used, nor is it required (it also installs a bunch of other packages we don't need)
- U4-7873 - GetCulture Helper Bug w/wildcard domains
- U4-7881 - version 7.4 beta - cannot add composition doctype to a doctype that has already been saved
- U4-7884 - Prevent new content type editor form from saving when hitting enter from inputs
- U4-7885 - YComposition is neither IContentType nor IMediaType ysod when saving member type
- U4-7890 - XSLT Macro's not working - "Cannot use this obsoleted overload when the current provider"
- U4-7892 - Sequence contains no matching element - packaging service
- U4-7895 - Routing fails when in virtual directory containing dot (.)
- U4-7896 - Right clicking on node text doesn't open menu
- U4-7897 - Minor update to MembershipProviderBase.DecryptPassword() to remove code smell
- U4-7898 - Validation for locked alias still not working
- U4-7900 - The new content type editor: If you hit save while it generates an alias, the alias will be generatingAlias
- U4-7901 - Change Password in User-dialog is not localizable
- U4-7903 - Using shortcut for "add property" removes "add property"-field for other tabs in document type editor
- U4-7904 - Add property using shortcut - submit button text is missing
- U4-7905 - val-highlight directive not highlighting error fields (red border) in 7.4.0
- U4-7906 - Button alignment is all over the place
- U4-7909 - 7.4-rc1 is missing references because it's using portable class libraries now
- U4-7910 - on 7.4-RC1 Calling GetContentTypeContainer(Guid containerId) fails No container type exists with ID: a2cb7800-f571-4787-9638-bc48539a0efb
- U4-7912 - 500 (Internal Server Error) on publish (in Content/PostSave and Content/GetById - see screenshots)
- U4-7915 - 7.4 RC1: Cannot change grid background
- U4-7922 - Preview is not working
- U4-7930 - Install button too dimmed on disabled state
- U4-7933 - Media picker fails with grid when configured with crops
- U4-7936 - Clicking the Recycle Bin shows "Session expired" login screen
- U4-7939 - Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.XmlPublishedCache caching by route not working
- U4-8379 - Fixes issue when there are zero instructions in the db table and a cold boot is executed, the indexes will not be rebuilt
- U4-4932 - Slider data type display value precision issue
- U4-6659 - Examine: Specific doctype not being indexed
- U4-6873 - Adding nosniff-header breaks PNG-images in Internet Explorer
- U4-694 - Image thumbnails always have the .jpg extension
- U4-7249 - Insert Macro split button, when selecting a macro that has parameters the dialog should immediately show those
- U4-7424 - Macro error message should be picked from language files
- U4-7462 - Macro with multiline textfield property cannot be inserted in RTE if there are multiple lines of text
- U4-7477 - xss char stripping on data type names is being too agressive
- U4-7495 - Back Office Not Respecting KeepUserLoggedIn Setting
- U4-7503 - X-AspNet-Mvc-Version header is returned
- U4-7508 - Actions menu is not shown for media items under list view
- U4-7522 - Unnecessary internal/swallowed MissingMemberException in DeepCloneHelper
- U4-7536 - Sign-out in back office will call all ASP.Net identity middleware sign out methods
- U4-7538 - GetRemainingTimeoutSeconds is double setting the cookie in 7.4
- U4-7539 - TextService.Localize should return en-US if key is not available in current language
- U4-7609 - Can't install packages IE in Umbraco Backend
- U4-7781 - Setting a user's start node causes YSOD