This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 5797 times - uploaded 18 March
Downloaded 1300 times - uploaded 18 March 2016Release notes
Bugfixing on the 7.4.1 release.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.3.x / 7.4 pre-releases
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
Note: If you're upgrading manually: make sure to merge both web.config in the root AND the web.config in the Views folder and Dashboard.config/trees.config in the Config folder.
Note: if you're doing a NuGet upgrade from 7.4.0-RC1 then your web.config will be overwritten completely, make sure to back it up first and then restore it after NuGet is done working. This will not happen in future upgrades and only affects upgrading from this one specific version 7.4.0-RC1. You will also lose the App_Browsers folder, make sure to copy those files back in too.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking Changes
Issues & Tasks
- U4-4700 - List view doesn't respect user permissions
- U4-4922 - Getting loads of errors in the event log "FindAndExecuteExtensionMethod"
- U4-5498 - Custom section icons using images always displayed at full opacity
- U4-5797 - Adding properties to a composition DocType after it has been used in content results in new property not working
- U4-6366 - Issue assigning member roles on MemberService.Saved event
- U4-6438 - Cannot invoke a non-delegate type
- U4-6700 - Ugly tray-animation when backoffice loads
- U4-7040 - Most User permissions won't take effect until site is restarted
- U4-7109 - Can't change from one language to another in Culture and Hostnames
- U4-7185 - Document core directives and their uses
- U4-7426 - Add retina version of Umbraco logo in login screen
- U4-7472 - Should be possible to sort macro parameters
- U4-7570 - Hide image, focal point and remove link until image has loaded
- U4-7616 - Nodes sort dialog: incorrect sort by date, if date format like dd.MM.yyyy
- U4-7641 - Can't copy a document type with new document type tree
- U4-7660 - [7.4 Fix] Added a default value to the Umbaco.TrueFalse datatype.
- U4-7670 - True/false fields on Macro Picker don't save their setting nor read existing setting.
- U4-7708 - Using a RTE Macro Partial Form (SurfaceController) & Doctype Hijack Controller causes problem with submissions
- U4-7746 - Update icon of Partial Views in Tree to use black & white icon set not the old colour set
- U4-7767 - List View Filter needs debounce - many requests to handler method
- U4-7823 - Could not retrieve media 0 from Examine index
- U4-7888 - Cannot change default template for document type
- U4-7914 - Loadbalancer http -> https incompatible with PublishedContentRequest HasDomain boolean
- U4-7916 - Change icons for richtext editor config
- U4-7918 - Make icon picker for document type and list views consistent
- U4-7949 - The task runner has completed YSOD when using the Umbraco Package installer
- U4-7956 - Saving a template, stylesheet, js file moves the insertion point to top of file.
- U4-7963 - Listview columns not evenly spaced in Chrome
- U4-8012 - Generic properties tab disappears on the edit Member Type window after upgrade to 7.4
- U4-8017 - Error upgradering 7.3.5 to 7.4.0 with MySQL 5.6, AddUniqueIdPropertyTypeGroupColumn migration fails.
- U4-8024 - Unable to use MvcBuildViews since 7.4.0 upgrade because 'umbraco.cms.presentation.create.controls.content' has been removed
- U4-8026 - SQL query for GetMembersByPropertyValue is wrong
- U4-8027 - ApplicationContext.Current.ApplicationCache.RequestCache changed to being implemented by NullCacheProvider in v7.3.6 resulting in request cache always returning null
- U4-8030 - [7.3.X to 7.4.X] Html.Action fails
- U4-8036 - Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker checkbox doesn't appear after selecting something from list view
- U4-8043 - 7.4.0 and 7.4.1 - Cannot bind source content type to model content type
- U4-8044 - TinyMCE Code Mirror - Error when [OK] button is pressed while cursor is inside tag element
- U4-8049 - Media section pagination
- U4-8054 - Issue with NuGet Uninstall.ps1 (running on updates)
- U4-8058 - Labels are changed to block-level elements
- U4-8060 - Angular cache not cleared during installs can lead to inability to edit content
- U4-8063 - Content type editor: Keyboard shortcut overview should close on escape
- U4-8065 - Inherited from is empty
- U4-8082 - New overlays post forms in IE / Edge
- U4-8088 - NuGet upgrade of UmbracoCms package doesn't add ModelsBuilder keys to web.config
- U4-8106 - Content type inheritance can be broken by compositions
- U4-8108 - Stylesheet tree not selecting item on edit.
- U4-8113 - Styling for property labels affect package meta data labels
- U4-8129 - Current dev-v7 branch: true/false properties don't save properly
- U4-8154 - Query Expressions fail on "== false"
- U4-8157 - Right-click on root node returns console error when it doesn't has any actions
- U4-8163 - Do not set $dirty for examine dashboard search
- U4-8165 - Ensure browsers are not caching service requests
- U4-8168 - Cannot re-order/move locked property types - such as the locked/system member type properties
- U4-8175 - Inconsistent PropertyType.PropertyGroupId for generic properties
- U4-8179 - Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker member picker does not allow picking of Member nodes from a Member
- U4-8181 - It is not possible to scroll in an overlay in Chrome 49 on a Retina Mac