This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 19766 times - uploaded 14 April
Downloaded 1828 times - uploaded 14 April 2016Release notes
Bugfixing on the 7.4.2 release.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.3.x / 7.4 pre-releases
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
Note: If you're upgrading manually: make sure to merge both web.config in the root AND the web.config in the Views folder and Dashboard.config/trees.config in the Config folder.
Note: if you're doing a NuGet upgrade from 7.4.0-RC1 then your web.config will be overwritten completely, make sure to back it up first and then restore it after NuGet is done working. This will not happen in future upgrades and only affects upgrading from this one specific version 7.4.0-RC1. You will also lose the App_Browsers folder, make sure to copy those files back in too.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- U4-287 - "Publish at" circumvents "Send for approval/publishing"
- U4-2954 - Deleting item with hostname (domain) assignation to trash, still owns hostname (6.1.5)
- U4-6592 - TinyMCE source code editor should not parse white space
- U4-7862 - Brackets cause issues in the stylesheet editor
- U4-8016 - Pick only images from media
- U4-8034 - Can't upload non-image files using MediaPicker or MultipleMediaPicker
- U4-8103 - AutoMapper mapping types errors
- U4-8216 - Hijacked controller actions fail with custom RenderModel subclass due to ModelBinding error
- U4-8220 - ModelState and ViewData is not carried through when using the obsolete Content.GetGridHtml method
- U4-8239 - DisableBrowserCacheAttribute causing YSOD when a previous exceptions is thrown before the filter kicks in
- U4-8248 - Listview grid - selection cut a part of icons
- U4-8260 - Word misspelled
- U4-8265 - Listview list and listview grid does not handle acceptedFileTypes in same way
- U4-8274 - '/umbraco/ping.aspx' is missing
- U4-8286 - Add OWIN startup events to the UmbracoDefaultOwinStartup class
- U4-8297 - Custom MembershipProvider search doesn't work in the listview
- U4-8298 - CacheRefresher authorization logic reversed - traditional load balancing will not work
- U4-8312 - Generating Models Always Reports An Error
- U4-8325 - XSLT macro rendering logs too much in Info mode (after upgrade 7.1.4 => 7.4.0)