This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 2869 times - uploaded 17 August
Downloaded 1137 times - uploaded 17 August 2016Release notes
"System management update"
- 301 redirect management
- Health check dashboard
- Password recovery for backoffice
- Packages installer UI update / packages can target a minimum Umbraco version
Make sure to read the blog post for this release!
Note: version 7.5.0 changes the ImageProcessor version, which might have impact on your site. Make sure to read the blog post for all the details on that.
Note: if you had previously installed the beta/beta2 and are relying on the URL tracker already then please note that we had to make some changes and WILL drop the redirect table completely, so all of your current redirects will be deleted. Make sure to make database backups so you can migrate them.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.4.x
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide.
Upgrading from 7.3.x / 7.4 pre-releases
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
Note: If you're upgrading manually: make sure to merge both web.config in the root AND the web.config in the Views folder and Dashboard.config/trees.config in the Config folder.
Note: if you're doing a NuGet upgrade from 7.4.0-RC1 then your web.config will be overwritten completely, make sure to back it up first and then restore it after NuGet is done working. This will not happen in future upgrades and only affects upgrading from this one specific version 7.4.0-RC1. You will also lose the App_Browsers folder, make sure to copy those files back in too.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-222 - Forgotten password link
- U4-265 - Time zone adjustment in Umbraco backend for Date/Time picker
- U4-3805 - Add "Health check" list dashboard to the core
- U4-6003 - List View - Order By Custom Property
- U4-7813 - Enable MiniProfiler to profiler during startup
- U4-8038 - UmbracoHelper methods missing descriptions
- U4-8156 - Support minimum versions for Umbraco packages
- U4-8309 - Open up base tests for overriding ApplicationContext and services
- U4-8332 - disable/enable submit button on overlay window
- U4-8361 - 301 Url Tracking
- U4-8372 - Adding Turkish Language
- U4-8443 - Immediately create node from list view when only one available document type
- U4-8530 - Make it possbile to hide preview button based on events
- U4-8542 - Require https attribute for back office web api controllers
- U4-8579 - Umbraco Grid 'Headline' doesn't support Line Breaks by Default
- U4-8580 - Render preview of SVG files
- U4-8657 - Umbraco.GetDictionaryValue does not have an overload to provide fall back text when key is missing like Umbraco.Field does
- U4-8720 - ITypedPublishedContentQuery needs to support GUID id lookups
Breaking Changes
- U4-1780 - Routing gets confused and chooses "randomly" which node to serve
- U4-6003 - List View - Order By Custom Property
- U4-8196 - migrate packager tree to new tree format
- U4-8472 - Add web.config file to media folder path to prevent all execution based files from being run by IIS
- U4-8588 - Update ImageProcessor to new security hardened versions.
- U4-8816 - Update to jQuery 2.2.4
Issues & Tasks
- U4-2508 - multilingual 404 pages in 6.1.2
- U4-3411 - Adding new language doesn't sync the tree
- U4-5699 - When saving a template, alias is not cleared
- U4-6247 - Public Access settings unreliable in 7.2.1 and before.
- U4-6504 - SmtpClient Not Properly Disposed, Causing Emails to Fail Periodically
- U4-6523 - Server Error when sorting Members in list view by Username/Last Edited
- U4-6551 - GetMediaByPath returning null
- U4-7160 - Multi class styles do not show up in the list when creating editor styles
- U4-7295 - Examine search with the data in the grid should be easier OOTB
- U4-7315 - Make new media picker default in new installs (right now it's the legacy mediapicker)
- U4-7332 - Default gravatar link broken
- U4-7468 - Send to Translation reverses assignee and assigned
- U4-7475 - U4-1736 (element+class styles) not working in Grid editor
- U4-7879 - installer fails with db connection error with reserved characters in server password / username
- U4-7967 - Possible to save document type and listview layouts without an icon
- U4-8029 - Editor settings for "Grid Layouts" is too wide and text overflows
- U4-8128 - Error Handler not called with umbRequestHelper.resourcePromise
- U4-8210 - Error - Types come from two PureLive assemblies with different versions
- U4-8290 - Label property editor should be configurable to declare data type storage (int, string, date, etc...)
- U4-8300 - Package Contents - clicking "include child nodes" should toggle checkbox
- U4-8330 - When using custom font icon as section icon it might not have same line-height
- U4-8331 - Umbraco.MultipleMediaPicker 'pick only images' should not allow a folder to be picked
- U4-8343 - Unsaved changes dialog not localized
- U4-8349 - Cannot create Scripting Files in Umbraco 7.4.0
- U4-8358 - Writers can't schedule publish/unpublish times
- U4-8365 - Cannot display value from decimal property editor on non EN-US cultures
- U4-8367 - Breadcrumb and save button breaks layout.
- U4-8370 - Broken Upgrade, error in migration
- U4-8371 - Dont ship with the {machinename} token for Examine
- U4-8377 - The "Publish" dialog is actually a mess of unsynced text :)
- U4-8394 - When persisting the xml cache file it double loads the full xml structure into memory before writing it to a file
- U4-8406 - web.config no longer able to be read-only in production
- U4-8410 - content xml class performs poorly when regenerating xml structure from the database
- U4-8413 - ServerLock node not created on new installs
- U4-8416 - Empty recycle bin does not refresh or gives feedback to user
- U4-8430 - Better memory management for XML cache when persisting the file
- U4-8433 - Update log4net async appender to use the updated code
- U4-8435 - Wrong link in settings dashboard to products and support
- U4-8438 - Umbraco 7.4.3 NuGet package missing file
- U4-8445 - Validation on the Email field for Members will not allow the entry of root domains greater than four characters.
- U4-8448 - Background task runner missing a null check during shutdown
- U4-8455 - IE11 - Image Cropper stretches the image when zooming
- U4-8457 - Ensure <MacroErrors> default is updated from legacy inline setting to newer throw setting
- U4-8480 - Allow deleting empty tab when creating a doctype
- U4-8486 - Not possible to scroll in login screen
- U4-8488 - Move and Copy Overlay titles not localized when opened from listview
- U4-8489 - Check icon is broken in tree when using custom icon fonts
- U4-8491 - Moving/Deleting Media does not sync/refresh the tree
- U4-8494 - Slider-handle has default value, but is required
- U4-8495 - Create YML file for AppVeyor for continuous build
- U4-8509 - woff2 mime type
- U4-8510 - MultipleTextStringValueConverter null check
- U4-8511 - Update moment.js to the version to 2.10.3 for release
- U4-8514 - Fix installation issue when there are stale cookies on localhost
- U4-8521 - Include latest Examine release 0.1.69
- U4-8522 - cmsPropertyData needs unique constraint indexes and index refactoring
- U4-8525 - Dropzone is a few pixels too wide
- U4-8526 - Update translations in da.xml
- U4-8531 - Macro's inserted in grid have clickable links.
- U4-8532 - No built in Active Directory authentication in Umbraco 7.3+
- U4-8552 - Cannot apply style to an a tag in RTE
- U4-8561 - Style Sheets - RTE Name cannot contain an ampersand
- U4-8567 - UmbracoHelper.CreateEncryptedRouteString fails to parse additionalRouteVals when it is of type Dictionary<string, object>
- U4-8569 - Saving a member type changes the UniqueId of custom properties and tabs
- U4-8578 - Fix for CodeMirror not hilighting matching brackets.
- U4-8583 - Markdown editor preview does not wrap code samples
- U4-8584 - Starterkit thumbnails are not really thumbnails
- U4-8591 - [Bug] Markdown Property incorrectly flagging pages as dirty/changed on load.
- U4-8592 - Decimal Publish Bug: Behaves differently when publishing through Edit Content vs the API
- U4-8597 - Subsequent submit of reset password form should not hide error message
- U4-8598 - Minor changes in install screen
- U4-8601 - Health Check UI/UX Polish
- U4-8602 - Packages - Repository and local install UI/UX Polish
- U4-8607 - Document localizationService and localize directive
- U4-8608 - Document getByQuery in entityResource
- U4-8612 - Umbraco v7.5-beta - Icon doesn't show in local package installer
- U4-8613 - Link to DocType from "Properties" tab is not localized
- U4-8614 - JsonCamelCaseFormatter breaks the global configuration for the default JsonMediaTypeFormatter
- U4-8618 - Health check should not auto-run when the dashboard is visible
- U4-8620 - Memory optimizations for entity change tracking property selectors
- U4-8624 - umbracoCacheInstructions is slowing server response
- U4-8627 - Umbraco.Core.Sync.DatabaseServerMessenger - No last synced Id found when '0' is stored and there are no instructions
- U4-8629 - Update installer UI to link to the release notes for the target version on Our
- U4-8630 - Make lightbox component for package images
- U4-8631 - Two properties with the same alias, exist on document type.
- U4-8635 - New Packager - packages end point should return the latest packages
- U4-8636 - New Packager - Do not allow a package to be installed multiple times
- U4-8640 - Deleting a content type with children only emits a deleted event on the parent content type
- U4-8649 - Xml Cache TLC - better memory handling and performance boost
- U4-8654 - The icon area of the new doctype editor should show the alias of the selected icon
- U4-8660 - Add avatar angular component
- U4-8661 - Add progress bar angular component
- U4-8663 - Deleting the last property on a tab causes it to end up at Generic Properties tab
- U4-8670 - Ensure the create package system in the back office allows for specifying correct metadata
- U4-8671 - Media Types Missing in 7.4
- U4-8675 - SortContent: Thread was being aborted error for sorting 161 child nodes in Azure Web Site with Azure SQL Database
- U4-8682 - Significant performance degradation between 7.2.2 and 7.4.3 in BaseRoutingTests
- U4-8683 - Editor alias should be visible in rowconfig.html for the grid layout
- U4-8696 - Member in listview grid layout looks disabled
- U4-8703 - Forgot password email sent as raw text, but contains html
- U4-8713 - New packager - avoid horizontal scrollbar for narrow screens
- U4-8714 - New packager - wrong number for package votes
- U4-8716 - Constants-Examine.cs are missing some constants
- U4-8718 - Latest ClientDependency release
- U4-8729 - Fixes for Umbraco PetaPoco code.
- U4-8730 - MigrationRunner should check for migrations params to already be null
- U4-8733 - Trying to include a stylesheet in a package results in a YSOD
- U4-8746 - New packager - open "terms of use" link in new window
- U4-8747 - Actions menu button not aligned with heading input
- U4-8748 - User and help dialogs is not positioned correct
- U4-8749 - Cannot set List View default sort order to custom property
- U4-8751 - GetCropUrl should append the quality parameters as the last parameter to the URL (after furtherOptions) when the format is specified
- U4-8754 - Single content queries like Get(int id) for content, media and members needs to execute a TOP 1 (or LIMIT 1)
- U4-8757 - DB error installing 7.5.0 beta2 with SQL server
- U4-8765 - Health Check documentation link should open in new brower window/tab
- U4-8766 - v7.5.0-beta2 exception from Examine Grid Indexer
- U4-8772 - Listview - provide a visual indication between a published item, (that has unpublished changes) and an unpublished item
- U4-8775 - Add missing standard .NET to SQL functions.
- U4-8777 - ImageProcessor fails to generate thumbnail for animated gif
- U4-8778 - The "Link your xx account" button doesn't work because it's a form wrapped in a form
- U4-8779 - Sorting not working in Members List View in 7.5 Beta2
- U4-8780 - Error migrating from 7.2.2 -> 7.5 beta 2 - cmsStylesheetProperty invalid object name
- U4-8786 - Member search in listview returns error (7.5-beta2)
- U4-8798 - Compositions break document types when replacing existing property with same alias
- U4-8799 - Validation and/or feedback when creating properties that could cause issues with ModelsBuilder
- U4-8802 - Create 301 URL tracker management dashboard
- U4-8803 - Add "Create package" back as a right-click item on the "Created Packages" node
- U4-8805 - Empty recycle bin doesn't use full height anymore
- U4-8808 - Fixing up 301 redirects table (beta2)
- U4-8809 - Filtering empty listview display text on top of each other
- U4-8813 - RedirectTrackingEventhandler always iterates over all descendants
- U4-8814 - Html.Wrap adds children twice
- U4-8815 - Fix null reference exception in RedirectTrackingEventHandler
- U4-8820 - Healthcheck dashboard should validate input for notification email
- U4-8821 - Prevent random form submits from healthcheck dashboard
- U4-8823 - Search input in Redirect URL Management dashboard is missing type attribute
- U4-8825 - Show SVG preview in media picker
- U4-8827 - Add empty state for no search result and no added redirects to url redirects dashboard
- U4-8828 - Redirect urls dashboard - when search field has focus and enter is pressed the first redirect gets deleted
- U4-8830 - Redirect url dashboard - add confirm dialog when removing redirect
- U4-8831 - Paging logic is flawed when ordering by a potentially non-unique value
- U4-8832 - Remove custom styling of pagination on list views
- U4-8833 - The default sorting field for the member list view should be LoginName not Name
- U4-8834 - Removing code assigning PropertyData IDs for new properties even though it isn't used
- U4-8836 - Add empty state to content and member list view
- U4-8837 - Change paging query for SQL server 2012+ to be more efficient
- U4-8838 - Media type listview has issues
- U4-8841 - Scheduled publishing in 7.5.0-latest has some problems
- U4-8842 - Package installation fails when Stylesheet property already exsists
- U4-8844 - Dialogs has rounded corners
- U4-8845 - Double click makes it possible to fully delete content and media nodes
- U4-8849 - 301 Url tracker - When deleting last item on a page the url tracker should check for new results.
- U4-8850 - Configuring a custom BackOfficeUserManager type will not work if the type is not specifically BackOfficeUserManager