Status: ReleasedReleased on Not yet determined
There is a newer version available - v15.3.0
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 1992 times - uploaded 04 April 2017UmbracoCms.AllBinaries.7.5.12.zip
Downloaded 983 times - uploaded 04 April 2017Release notes
Umbraco 7.5, the "System management update"
- 301 redirect management
- Health check dashboard
- Password recovery for backoffice
- Packages installer UI update / packages can target a minimum Umbraco version
Make sure to read the blog post for the 7.5.0 release!
Note: version 7.5.x changes the ImageProcessor version, which might have impact on your site. Make sure to read the blog post for all the details on that.
Note: if you had previously installed the beta/beta2 and are relying on the URL tracker already then please note that we had to make some changes and WILL drop the redirect table completely, so all of your current redirects will be deleted. Make sure to make database backups so you can migrate them.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
Upgrading from 7.4.x / 7.5.x
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide.
Upgrading from 7.3.x / 7.4 pre-releases
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
Note: If you're upgrading manually: make sure to merge both web.config in the root AND the web.config in the Views folder and Dashboard.config/trees.config in the Config folder.
Note: if you're doing a NuGet upgrade from 7.4.0-RC1 then your web.config will be overwritten completely, make sure to back it up first and then restore it after NuGet is done working. This will not happen in future upgrades and only affects upgrading from this one specific version 7.4.0-RC1. You will also lose the App_Browsers folder, make sure to copy those files back in too.
Upgrading from 7.1.x or 7.2.x
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
No items to display
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- U4-6811 - Couldnt delete preview set exception
- U4-8418 - Clicking 'Format' or 'Paragraph' options in rich text editor in macro slide in menu causes slide in menu to close
- U4-9373 - Upgrading Umbraco creates duplicate dashboards
- U4-9595 - Improve ThreadAbortedException message
- U4-9598 - Deeply foldered content is not correctly indexed by indexes where supportUnpublished="true"
- U4-9604 - ManyObjectsResolverBase issue with current HttpContext, breaks health checks and more
- U4-9606 - Investigate ThreadAbortException [in ModelsBuilder]
- U4-9610 - BulkPublishController - value cannot be null
- U4-9615 - Performance issue: Anytime a document is visited in the back office, ALL of it's ancestors are looked up
- U4-9617 - Performance: Anytime a document is visited in the back office that has a Pending version a full IContent lookup is done just to check for the published version date
- U4-9623 - DataTypeDefinitionRepository caches for prevalues aren't cached properly
- U4-9637 - addDashboardSection package action shouldn't add the dashboard if it already exists
- U4-9658 - Handle exception when the umbraco.config file is out of date and throws when an incorrect document type is found
- U4-9682 - Repository's have a double nested DeepCloneRuntimeCacheProvider set which means all entities are double deep cloned in and out of the cache
- U4-9683 - ModelsBuilder minor release
- U4-9689 - Content type description isn't always saved the same way
- U4-9691 - Could not create an index searcher with the supplied lucene directory ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException
- U4-9692 - Update to Examine 0.1.82
- U4-9697 - Listview create new node has different order than treeview create.
- U4-9712 - Intermittent Access to the path '...\site\wwwroot\App_Data\umbraco.config' is denied