Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, August 20 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.0.0
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 2046 times - uploaded 20 August 2019Release notes
Bugfixing on the 8.1.2 release.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- 5817 - v8.1 Avoid data loss when using culture variant elements in Nested Content
- 5958 - Cannot delete user groups in 8.1
- 5959 - LocalizationService.GetLanguageByIsoCode my return language different to the one requested
- 6022 - Umbraco v8 - language on content tree and on content window
- 6047 - Creating a new MediaType beneath a parent, doesn't set the parent as a composition
- 6058 - infiniteMode or infinityMode - typo?
- 6065 - NotificationsService displays notifications under dialog
- 6075 - v7.15.1 Property Editior - Media Picker - Upload - button is disabled
- 6096 - use modifiable media path in file system composition