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Note: breaking changes are no longer listed as this overview was unreliable for that. Make sure to read the version specific upgrades notes for guidance.

Issues & Tasks

Issues & Tasks fixed in version 6.1.3

Release Notes

Notes for version 6.1.3


Read the release blog post for 6.1.3.

Upgrading from 4.10+ and 6.0.0 beta/RC to 6.1.3

We upgraded the bundled version of HtmlAgilityPack from to Some 3rd party components may still rely on the old version and you'll see an error (Could not load file or assembly HtmlAgilityPack, Version=

To fix this error, add the following to your web.config (in the runtime/assemblyBinding section):

 <assemblyIdentity name="HtmlAgilityPack" publicKeyToken="bd319b19eaf3b43a" culture="neutral" />  <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

A note on config file changes:

  • If you're using MySQL, make sure to update your web.config, the MySQL Data Provider (in DbProviderFactories) has changed from version to
  • In umbracoSettings.config in the content section there's a new key "defaultDocumentTypeProperty" which is not required. If you don't copy it in, the default is Textstring

There are no other config changes between 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 but if you're upgrading from a different version make sure to do a merge (use WinMerge for example) of all of the config files, especially the web.config

Upgrading from older versions?

Visual Studio 2013 Preview

If you're testing Visual Studio 2013 then the install process will fail, the new "Browser Link" option in the preview release interferes with our javascript. You can disable Browser Link temporarily to get through the installer. This error has been reported to Microsoft.