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  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 03, 2010 @ 23:09
    Kyle Skrinak

    installing 4.5.2 on a shared IIS 7 .NET 4.0 host; problems

    I've uploaded to my shared environment. I'm using URL Rewrite module in IIS to enable a second web site, which works as expected. I can start the umbraco install process, but the stylesheets aren't rendering. I presume that background logic is failing to execute as well.

    Where to start troubleshooting this? Thanks!

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 03, 2010 @ 23:44
    Paul Blair

    I've found that when the Umbraco stylesheets don't render this is usually a Client Dependancy issue which is itself symtomatic of another problem.

    Check all your permissions are set up correctly.

    If that doesn't change anything then try setting debug="true" in your web.config (as a temporary measure)

        <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">



  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 03, 2010 @ 23:46
    Kyle Skrinak

    Also, their equivalent for Network Service user, "ASPNET" is correctly set on the /dev folder.

    I am using the following settings for the app pool:

    .NET Framework Version: 4.0

    Pool Bitness: 64 bit (does that hurt?)

    Pipeline mode: integrated


  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 00:58
    Kyle Skrinak

    Huh. changing "false" to "true" enables the stylesheets to render. Changing debug back to "false" causes the page it to fail. I do not see any extra output, btw.

    Odd, no?

    Moving on, at the Database Configuration page, I can not connect to the database using valid connection information for an empty DB I've created. I've selected an MS SQL 2008 db; but I can also use an MS SQL 5 database, if that's better (as well as MySQL, which would be my druthers)

    Is this problem related to the above problem?

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 01:15
    Paul Blair

    It looks almost certainly something to do with permissions.

    I would set read/write access to the entire www folder for the network server.

    You might also find this page useful:

    I don't know what the pool bitness means, but .NET 4.0 integrated won't cause any problems

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 01:39
    Kyle Skrinak


    Much thanks for your guidance, Paul, I've tried the following but without success:

    1. Set the full permissions for "ASPNET" for the entire site
    2. Recycled the app pool
    3. Ran the install/default.aspx?umbDebugShowTrace=true, but no output
    Tech Support says that I've got user permissions correct for the site. I'm stumped!

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 02:13
    Paul Blair

    what hosting company are you using? is the site in full trust mode?

    If you are using SoftSys try putting this in your web.config:

      <location path="" allowOverride="true">
          <trust level="Full" originUrl="" />

    just above the <system.web> section

  • Tom Fulton 2030 posts 4998 karma points c-trib
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 03:33
    Tom Fulton

    Is the /dev folder a virtual directory with its own application or just a folder?  I think it would need to be a virtual directory if its not already

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 12:04
    Kyle Skrinak

    Paul; my host (CrystalTech) does allow to specify trust level in the web.config in the /dev folder. They said I could use the following xml branch:

    <trust hostSecurityPolicyResolverType ="security policy resolution type" legacyCasModel = "[True|False]" level="[Full|High|Medium|Low|Minimal]" originUrl="URL" permissionSetName = "name of the permission set" processRequestInApplicationTrust = "[True|False]" />

    But the plethora of configurations left me numb. Then I found this xml branch in the umbraco web config, set to "Medium" but commented out:

     <trust level="Full" originUrl=".*" />

    which I'm guessing/hoping triggers the same configuration change? 

    Tom; I hope this answers your question. In IIS 7 Manager, I right-clicked the /dev folder, and choose "Convert to Application" That folder's icon is now unique from other other root folders.

    Thanks, All, I know I'll get this nailed yet (but I'm not there yet.)

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 04, 2010 @ 21:16
    Paul Blair

    Yes, try umcommenting the <trust> section with the Full setting.

    Also, the last time this happened to me, it was because the handlers section had disappeared. while making some IIS changes it had updated the web.config). Check that there is a <handlers> section in the <system.webServer> section and it adds a verb for client dependancy.

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 06, 2010 @ 20:52
    Kyle Skrinak

    OK, so I now have:

        <trust level="Full" originUrl=".*" />                                                                        

    In my web.config, but, when I change:

        <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">


        <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">

    css rendering stops, and I presume functionality halts, as I am unable to configure a connection to the db, though I have been able to confirm that the connection parameters are correct.

    Also: I do have a <handlers section with verbs; shown below:

        <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Write, Script, Execute">
          <remove name="WebServiceHandlerFactory-Integrated" />
          <remove name="ScriptHandlerFactory" />
          <remove name="ScriptHandlerFactoryAppServices" />
          <remove name="ScriptResource" />
          <remove name="Channels" />
          <remove name="Channels_Word" />
          <remove name="ClientDependency" />
          <remove name="SpellChecker" />

          <add name="ScriptHandlerFactory" verb="*" path="*.asmx" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.Script.Services. 
    ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
          <add name="ScriptHandlerFactoryAppServices" verb="*" path="*_AppService.axd" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.
    Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral,                            
    PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
          <add name="ScriptResource" verb="GET,HEAD" path="ScriptResource.axd" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.    
    Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
          <add verb="*" name="Channels" preCondition="integratedMode" path="umbraco/channels.aspx" type="umbraco.presentation.    
    channels.api, umbraco" />
          <add verb="*" name="Channels_Word" preCondition="integratedMode" path="umbraco/channels/word.aspx" type="umbraco.       
    presentation.channels.wordApi, umbraco" />
          <add verb="*" name="ClientDependency" preCondition="integratedMode" path="DependencyHandler.axd" type="ClientDependency.
    Core.CompositeFiles.CompositeDependencyHandler, ClientDependency.Core "/>
          <add verb="GET,HEAD,POST" preCondition="integratedMode" name="SpellChecker" path="GoogleSpellChecker.ashx" type="umbraco.


  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 06, 2010 @ 22:23
    Paul Blair

    OK, nothing is springing out at me - everything looks as it should.

    I still suspect it is a permissions issue. Have you tried setting it up locally? Also try commenting out the <trust lelvel="full"> option you have above and usign the <location> section from my previous post. And double check that the network service has read/write to the entire web directory.

    If that still fails could you add some relevant screen shots of your setup e.g. IIS setup & folder structure.

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 23:33
    Kyle Skrinak

    OK, for kicks I did a WebPI 2.0 install of Umbraco locally, accessing a local instance of a MS database. I get a cryptic "Module did not load" in chrome, or a 500 internal error in IE. I am sorely missing working in a LAMP environment at the moment.

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 23:51
    Paul Blair

    I haven't used the installer. I usually set up the project manually; roughly following these steps: (although I wrote this for a previous version it is still pretty accurate)

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 11, 2010 @ 00:08
    Kyle Skrinak

    Sigh; what a journey. I'm doing away with the multiple subdomains within a single account; I'm setting up two unique accounts, so I can run umbraco from the root as it's own .NET app. I'm waiting for tech support to resolve an account setup issue and I'll report back either way.

    Paul, I will follow the steps you've outlined, above, once I get the green light on the new account.

    To be continued…

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 12:38
    Kyle Skrinak

    I lost a few teeth, but I now have the foundation installed.

    I had to reinstall WinXP from scratch, reboot 15 (roughly) times as I updated all the latest patches (from SP2) then I used WebPI. I was using a virtual machine (via VMWare Fusion) and made a snapshot just before my install, which was a good thing. My first tact was to install "umbraco" (and all dependencies) by merely choosing "umbraco" and letting the system perform the dependency install. This netted a failure screen, where everything BUT IIS 5.1 and thus umbraco installed. So I rolled back the snapshot and installed IIS 5.1 first, then umbraco (and dependencies) which worked. I'm now finally with a working umbraco installation.

    In further support of my new premise that WinXP is no longer fully supported in general; on another virtual machine, as I was unable to successfully install MS SQL 2008 and ultimately bailed. Hours lost in the name of using an 8 year old OS and a thrift ethic that won't spend unnecessary. (Though I'm inclined to believe now that I have no choice if I want to continue .NET development. Time IS money.)

    Hope this helps for any future lurker too cheap to upgrade to Win 7. This hasn't settled the actual server aspect to this yet, next up. I want to get a local working copy, then I'll push it up.

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 12:54
    Kyle Skrinak

    <duplicate deleted>

    Is it me, or does this forum play "less nicely" with Google Chrome?

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 13:06
    Kyle Skrinak

    Paul, I finally read your manual installation page. Brilliant work, thanks for putting it out there. You write that you like to support multiple sites from a single directory. How do you handle URL resolution to those directories? With apache, this is trivial, using virtual hosts (which isn't URL rewriting). My current host recommends using the URL Rewrite module, but it feels like such a kludge.

  • Dallas 133 posts 405 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 13:15


    I am also experiencing a problem with clientdependency returning an application error. jquery is no t loaded and the backoffice UI is broken.

     I have installed Umbraco 4.5.2 (.net 4.0) on a shared host (Softsys). The host has configured the site to run in full trust and the site is not running as a virtual directory. 

    Unfortunately I am not able to see the clientdependency error ( by looking at the response body) because even when I set customErrors to off in my web.config I am still getting the RemoteOnly page and the advice to set the mode attribute to off. 

    If I set debug to true in the compilation element clientdependency works, jquery is loaded and I can use the backoffice. why would this be the case?

    I think the permissions are correct as I was able to run the install and one of the steps is to check the permissions and it informs you if they are not correct.





  • Dallas 133 posts 405 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 14:01

    My optimism about the permissions was unfounded. This post got me thinking about why it worked when debug was set to true. After a bit of research my understanding is that ClientDependency combines and compresses any script and style files and caches the result. With debug set to true, Clientdependency is not caching the files, with debug set to false, it does cache the files. This suggests that the error is occurring when trying to write the cached files and the permissions are not correct.

    After looking at the directory structure of the Umbraco site I thought that ClientDependency was trying to cache the files in /app_data/clientdependency. Giving these directories write permission did not fix the problem. It turns out that the cached files are written to /app_data/TEMP/clientdependencies. I had to give write permission to the root directory and app_data directory before the temp directory would be created and the cached files written.


  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 14:13
    Kyle Skrinak

    Dallas, you answered the question I had formed in my head but never got around to asking here; thanks!

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 14, 2010 @ 21:40
    Paul Blair

    As most of the directories require read/write permissions, and the directories that don't are of little significance, I now give re-ad/wriet to the entire site. I posed a question on this forum about this and didn't get any comments on if this poses any security issues.


    For multiple websites on 1 install I just add the binding for the URL in IIS and then in Umbraco use "manage host names" to direct the URL to the correct site. No URLRewriting required.

  • Kyle Skrinak 272 posts 327 karma points
    Nov 15, 2010 @ 15:20
    Kyle Skrinak


    Fascinating prospect. Here's my scenario:

    /live ← which should be the "base" URL for "live" site, i.e.,
    /dev ← for the

    I think you're saying that if I install umbraco to the root, I can manage virtual sites through the root umbraco application? The fly in this ointment might be the classic asp app that runs inside live.

  • Paul Blair 466 posts 731 karma points
    Nov 15, 2010 @ 21:58
    Paul Blair

    I haven't mixed Umbraco with another code base so I'm not sure if you have to do anything different there...

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