What do I need to do to get UmbracoIdentity to work with our local Active Directory?Test Site Details:Work and Research So Far:
In order to use Umbraco for our intranet, our IT Director has specified that it use our on-prem Active Directory for member login (and likely user login for the back-office as well, but one thing at a time). In order to accomplish this, I am using the UmbracoIdentity NuGet package from the awesome Shannon Deminick.
Test Site Details:
Local Dev Server: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
.NET Framework version: 4.7.2
Umbraco version: 8.9.0 (plan on using latest once I am able to get things working)
UmbracoIdentity version: 7.1.1 (I see that there has been a 7.2 release, which I will try, but I’m assuming that the setup for AD will be the same)
SITE_FOLDER\Models\UmbracoIdentity\UmbracoApplicationMember.cs => UmbracoApplicationMember => GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<UmbracoApplicationMember, int> manager) => // Add custom user claims here (*I DON’T THINK I NEED ANY AT THIS TIME???*)
I appreciate that to use this library, one is supposed to have a firm grasp of Umbraco, ASP.Net Identity, OWIN, etc..
For better or worse, using Umbraco for the Intranet and authenticating members with local AD is what is being asked for, and I’m pretty much new to all of these, so please bear with me – thank you.
What do I need to do to get UmbracoIdentity to work with our local Active Directory?Test Site Details:Work and Research So Far:
In order to use Umbraco for our intranet, our IT Director has specified that it use our on-prem Active Directory for member login (and likely user login for the back-office as well, but one thing at a time). In order to accomplish this, I am using the UmbracoIdentity NuGet package from the awesome Shannon Deminick.
Test Site Details:
Work and Research So Far:
I’ve read through:
From what I’ve been able to glean from documentation and research, I need to make the following changes/additions:
SITE_FOLDER\App_Start\UmbracoIdentityOwinStartup.cs => ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app) => app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoMembers<UmbracoApplicationMember>(*[ADD SOMETHING HERE? IF SO, WHAT?]*);
SITE_FOLDER\Web.config => <membership defaultProvider="UmbracoMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15"> => <providers> (after <clear />) => <add name="UmbracoMembershipProvider" type="UmbracoIdentity.IdentityEnabledMembersMembershipProvider, (*CHANGE THIS, OR THE WHOLE TYPE STRING?*)" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" minRequiredPasswordLength="10" useLegacyEncoding="false" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="false" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" defaultMemberTypeAlias="Member" passwordFormat="Hashed" allowManuallyChangingPassword="false" />
SITE_FOLDER\config\umbracoSettings.config => <security> => *???*
SITE_FOLDER\Models\UmbracoIdentity\UmbracoApplicationMember.cs => UmbracoApplicationMember => GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<UmbracoApplicationMember, int> manager) => // Add custom user claims here (*I DON’T THINK I NEED ANY AT THIS TIME???*)
I appreciate that to use this library, one is supposed to have a firm grasp of Umbraco, ASP.Net Identity, OWIN, etc..
For better or worse, using Umbraco for the Intranet and authenticating members with local AD is what is being asked for, and I’m pretty much new to all of these, so please bear with me – thank you.
Can you write a positive or negative answer about this, please?
Hi there, I'm not sure what you are asking for. Would you kindly elaborate?
is working on a reply...