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  • Marko Ivanovski 14 posts 124 karma points
    Jul 15, 2010 @ 23:06
    Marko Ivanovski

    Using Members properties in Content (editable by Member)

    Hi everyone,

    I'd like to create a Member type with some properties, Name, Address, Phone etc.. and allow members to update their information via a login.

    Furthermore, I'd like to be able to select Members via the Ultimate Picker so I can list their information somewhere on a page.

    I've successfuly created a Member type and assigned it properties, and I can probably figure out how to make their information updatable, but how would I go about selecting member nodes and listing their information?

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • dan 29 posts 53 karma points
    Jul 16, 2010 @ 05:22

    Hello Marko,
    I found this post that might help you along



  • Marko Ivanovski 14 posts 124 karma points
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 02:39
    Marko Ivanovski

    Thanks for your help Dan.

    In the end, I ended up using code from another post (which I've lost the link to).

    Either way, here it is.. It's basically a custom extension that selects members by Group Name/Id and allows me to use XSLT for the output.

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.XPath;
    using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data;
    using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member;

    namespace Custom_Controls.xsltExtensions {

    public class customExt
            public static XPathNodeIterator GetMembersByGroupName(string groupName)
                    return GetMembersByGroupId(MemberGroup.GetByName(groupName).Id);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                    xd.LoadXml("<response><success>false</success><error>" + ex.Message.ToString() + "</error></response>");
                    return xd.CreateNavigator().Select("/response");
            public static XPathNodeIterator GetMembersByGroupId(int id)
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();

                    DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(
                            new SqlConnection(umbraco.GlobalSettings.DbDSN),
                                                    Select ccx.xml
                                                    from cmsContentXml ccx
                                                            inner join cmsMember cm
                                                                    on ccx.nodeId = cm.nodeId                                      
                                                            inner join cmsMember2MemberGroup cm2mg
                                                                    on cm.nodeId = cm2mg.Member
                                                    Where cm2mg.MemberGroup = @group
                                            ", new SqlParameter("@group", id.ToString()));

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendLine("<root count=\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count + "\">");

                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)


                    return xd.CreateNavigator().Select("/root");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    xd.LoadXml("<response><success>false</success><error>" + ex.Message.ToString() + "</error></response>");
                    return xd.CreateNavigator().Select("/response");
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