Wired url issue in tinyMCE.. Some absolute, some not...
I have come across a wired problem with one of the solutioins iam currently working on, and i cant find any solution to the problem, so i hope som of you masterminds can help me with this one. :)
When i link to documents in the media tree, press save and publish, when i open the HTML dialog window, the link to some of the documents has transformed from "/media/folderID/documentname.doc" to "http://www.website.dk/media/folderID/documentname.doc" why it does this, is a mystery for me.
Anyone got some clues to why?
Code (Saved and published content)
<table><td>Tilbudstekst - vintervedligeholdelse med anvisning</td> <td><a href="http://website.dk/media/2837/forslag%20til%20tilbudstekst%20for%20vintervedligeholdelse%20med%20anvisning%20-%20b.doc" target="_blank" title=" Forslag til tilbudstekst - vintervedligeholdelse med anvisning">Åben dokumentet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tilbudstekst - vintervedligeholdelse uden anvisning</td> <td><a href="http://website.dk/media/2840/forslag%20til%20tilbudstekst%20for%20vintervedligeholdelse%20uden%20anvisning%20-%20b.doc" target="_blank" title=" Forslag til tilbudstekst - vintervedligeholdelse uden anvisning">Åben dokumentet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Forslag til underentreprenørkontrakt</td> <td><a href="/media/2843/underentreprenørkontrakt.doc" target="_blank" title="Forslag til underentreprenørkontrakt">Åben dokumentet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Generel vejledning i plantning</td> <td><a href="/media/2856/generel vejledning i plantning.pdf" target="_blank" title="Generel vejledning i plantning">Åben dokumentet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Håndværksrådets tilbudsguide 2010</td> <td><a href="/media/4503/hvr tilbudsguide (2010).pdf" target="_blank" title="Håndværksrådets tilbudsguide 2010">Åben dokumentet</a></td> </tr></table>
Wired url issue in tinyMCE.. Some absolute, some not...
I have come across a wired problem with one of the solutioins iam currently working on, and i cant find any solution to the problem, so i hope som of you masterminds can help me with this one. :)
When i link to documents in the media tree, press save and publish, when i open the HTML dialog window, the link to some of the documents has transformed from "/media/folderID/documentname.doc" to "http://www.website.dk/media/folderID/documentname.doc" why it does this, is a mystery for me.
Anyone got some clues to why?
Code (Saved and published content)
Best regards
Kasper L
is working on a reply...