preview takes about 20 seconds on average to show the page in question.
is preview getting data direct from database hence the slow speed or is there a preview cache like the main site cache?
also why does preview take the values of macros that have been cached? i find that if i enable macro caching, when i preview a page it will take the cached value and the latest edit values. turn macro caching off and things behave as expected - except it still take around 20 seconds to load :[
preview slow umbraco 4.5.2
preview takes about 20 seconds on average to show the page in question.
is preview getting data direct from database hence the slow speed or is there a preview cache like the main site cache?
also why does preview take the values of macros that have been cached? i find that if i enable macro caching, when i preview a page it will take the cached value and the latest edit values. turn macro caching off and things behave as expected - except it still take around 20 seconds to load :[
is this normal, is preview just incomplete?
just to clarify the second point:
when i preview a page it will take the cached value and NOT the latest edit values
There's a mention in this thread that Preview has performance issues with larger sites -
And I believe another thread covered that you have to save the node before seeing the results in the preview.
is working on a reply...