Umbraco 401. Globalization, Culture and Translations
I downloaded my first copy of Umbraco one week ago, and started of by examine the membership, role and profile providers. After installing some packages and depolying my new controls for navigation and login etc, I´m now exploring the globalization, language and dictionary features. There was no problem accessing the translations and dictionary from my controls but I had some issues with the translation of content based on Culture for pagetypes.
If there is a property in a pagetype called BodyText I want to create a tab for each language to make it possible for the editor to quick and easy insert and publish content on supported languages. The "
Where is the default UICulture set in Umbraco and how is the idea of multilingual sites implemented? Has anyone been trying to extend the Item class?
To most widely used way of creating multi language sites is using separate tree structures:
- en
- - some English page
- da
- - some Danish page
In this scenario, the pages properties do not need localized version, because the languages are separate pages.
In your scenario, you would probably need to create properties for each language, so you would have "BodyTextEN" and "BodyTextDA" properties. Then you would have to build some logic in your template/macro to determine which properties to display, based on f.ex. dictionary items, or by detecting which culture umbraco has determined. So it will take a bit of tweaking to get it working well, and would require that you have every single page in all languages, unless you of course build logic to handle that as well.
How are you planning for your URL's to differ between language versions? or ?
How do you detect/set which culture Umbraco detects? I am using the 1-1 Multilingual solution, and as far as I can tell inserting a dictionary field into a template is [del]useless[/del]. :) I can localize the XSLT objects fine using the sample code given in the tutorial, but I haven't figured out how to localize the dictionary fields in the templates.
Umbraco uses hostnames to determine the culture. For example:
- Home (Assign hostnames here)
- - About us
- - Contact
Right click on the Home node at select "manage hostnames". Then you add the different domains/cultures you want to use, for example, and (Add cultures under Setttings -> Languages).
Now when you access umbraco will automatically detect that the dictionary items fetched should be in danish. So all you have to do is insert your dictionary item in the template:
Are you planning to use different domains for your languages? This is pretty important as to which approach you should take to the multi language site, and it would be easier to help you further.
Hi All. Thans for your input. As described in my first message I have properties for every language the application supports. I´m now using a hierarchy model to determine culture.
scenario 1: (not authenticated)
- client browsers tools/languages, and first priority in there.
scenario 2: (authenticated)
- look at the client profile settings about language
- profile missing: client browsers tools/languages, and first priority in there.
If current culture is missing I will use the default fallback culture for example (en-US) etc.
I created a usercontrol that reads the current languages culture instead of using the
Here is a litte snippet from my new control:
public string PropertyAlias { get; set; }
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Profile.IsAnonymous) //check if is authenticated
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Profile.Culture)) //check if Culture is set
SetCulture(Profile.Culture); //culture from profile
SetCulture(this.Request.UserLanguages[0]); //culture from browsers first culture
else //if not authenticated
SetCulture(this.Request.UserLanguages[0]); //culture from browsers first culture
I'll take a look at the way you're doing it lillewox. I would like to say that having that as the only built-in method of culture determination seems pretty restrictive! :)
Umbraco 401. Globalization, Culture and Translations
I downloaded my first copy of Umbraco one week ago, and started of by examine the membership, role and profile providers. After installing some packages and depolying my new controls for navigation and login etc, I´m now exploring the globalization, language and dictionary features. There was no problem accessing the translations and dictionary from my controls but I had some issues with the translation of content based on Culture for pagetypes.
If there is a property in a pagetype called BodyText I want to create a tab for each language to make it possible for the editor to quick and easy insert and publish content on supported languages. The "
Where is the default UICulture set in Umbraco and how is the idea of multilingual sites implemented? Has anyone been trying to extend the Item class?
To most widely used way of creating multi language sites is using separate tree structures:
- en
- - some English page
- da
- - some Danish page
In this scenario, the pages properties do not need localized version, because the languages are separate pages.
In your scenario, you would probably need to create properties for each language, so you would have "BodyTextEN" and "BodyTextDA" properties. Then you would have to build some logic in your template/macro to determine which properties to display, based on f.ex. dictionary items, or by detecting which culture umbraco has determined. So it will take a bit of tweaking to get it working well, and would require that you have every single page in all languages, unless you of course build logic to handle that as well.
How are you planning for your URL's to differ between language versions? or ?
How do you detect/set which culture Umbraco detects? I am using the 1-1 Multilingual solution, and as far as I can tell inserting a dictionary field into a template is [del]useless[/del]. :) I can localize the XSLT objects fine using the sample code given in the tutorial, but I haven't figured out how to localize the dictionary fields in the templates.
Umbraco uses hostnames to determine the culture. For example:
- Home (Assign hostnames here)
- - About us
- - Contact
Right click on the Home node at select "manage hostnames". Then you add the different domains/cultures you want to use, for example, and (Add cultures under Setttings -> Languages).
Now when you access umbraco will automatically detect that the dictionary items fetched should be in danish. So all you have to do is insert your dictionary item in the template:
Are you planning to use different domains for your languages? This is pretty important as to which approach you should take to the multi language site, and it would be easier to help you further.
Hi All. Thans for your input. As described in my first message I have properties for every language the application supports. I´m now using a hierarchy model to determine culture.
scenario 1: (not authenticated)
- client browsers tools/languages, and first priority in there.
scenario 2: (authenticated)
- look at the client profile settings about language
- profile missing: client browsers tools/languages, and first priority in there.
If current culture is missing I will use the default fallback culture for example (en-US) etc.
I created a usercontrol that reads the current languages culture instead of using the
Here is a litte snippet from my new control:
public string PropertyAlias { get; set; }
protected void PageLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
PropertyValue.Text = GetCurrentPropertyValue(PropertyAlias).ToString(); //bodyTextsv-SE
here is a littele snippet that sets the culture:
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Profile.IsAnonymous) //check if is authenticated
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Profile.Culture)) //check if Culture is set
SetCulture(Profile.Culture); //culture from profile
SetCulture(this.Request.UserLanguages[0]); //culture from browsers first culture
else //if not authenticated
SetCulture(this.Request.UserLanguages[0]); //culture from browsers first culture
private void SetCulture(string culture)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(culture);
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture);
With this approach I can use all login controls translated by the current culture settings. And use umbraco translations (dictionary) for all words.
Any comments to this?
I'll take a look at the way you're doing it lillewox. I would like to say that having that as the only built-in method of culture determination seems pretty restrictive! :)
is working on a reply...