Hello, I am new to this forum. I am trying to do a conditional URL re-write (the user will be redirected to http://{site}/{web or mobile or text}/{state}/{county} in Umbraco using the Urlrewriting.config and possibly the Umbraco C# Razor API. I know how to do Url re-writing, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to do conditional re-writes based on the client (user's OS). I'm trying to do this without using any type of re-directing at all whatsoever. Any thoughts?
added the following configuration node to the Urlrewriting.config file.
works to redirect to the web.aspx page. However, there needs to be a way for
the user agent to determine the OS platform.
attempted to use the UrlRewritingNet
library and create a “Browser Redirect” Scripting file. This file is written
with Razor and attempts to re-write the above rule based on the platform
detected. See Below:
had a hunch that this would not work because of the page loading sequence. I
have some ideas involving Server.Transfer, but maybe there are some
other options.
public class BrowserTypeProvider: UrlRewritingProvider { public static void SetFormPostbackOverrideTo(string overridePostBackUrl) { var context = HttpContext.Current; if(context.Items.Contains(UrlRewrittingActionOverrideContextKey)) { context.Items.Remove(UrlRewrittingActionOverrideContextKey);
for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++) { returnUrl = Regex.Replace(returnUrl, "(\\" + "$" + i + "\\b)", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(match.Groups[i].ToString().Replace("+", " "))); //Note: Added the .Replace("+", " ") because it seems that when a request came in with a converted " " to "+" the server wouldn't resolve the request }
return returnUrl; });
return rUrl; }
} }
Hopefully this will work as i described it - i typed the code into the WYSIWYG so therer might be some typeos and possible code errors - i appologize in advance.
Conditional URL re-writing
Hello, I am new to this forum. I am trying to do a conditional URL re-write (the user will be redirected to http://{site}/{web or mobile or text}/{state}/{county} in Umbraco using the Urlrewriting.config and possibly the Umbraco C# Razor API. I know how to do Url re-writing, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to do conditional re-writes based on the client (user's OS). I'm trying to do this without using any type of re-directing at all whatsoever. Any thoughts?
I added the following configuration node to the Urlrewriting.config file.
<add name="countyrewrite"
rule.Rewrite = "RewriteOption.Application"
ignoreCase="true" />
This works to redirect to the web.aspx page. However, there needs to be a way for the user agent to determine the OS platform.
I attempted to use the UrlRewritingNet library and create a “Browser Redirect” Scripting file. This file is written with Razor and attempts to re-write the above rule based on the platform detected. See Below:
if (Request.Browser["IsMobileDevice"] == "true" || Request.Browser["BlackBerry"] == "true" )
RegExRewriteRule rule;
rule = new RegExRewriteRule();
rule.VirtualUrl = @"^~/(.*)/(.*)/\?(.*)";
rule.DestinationUrl = "~/mobile.aspx?state=$1&county=$2&$3";
rule.IgnoreCase = true;
rule.Rewrite = RewriteOption.Application;
rule.RewriteUrlParameter = RewriteUrlParameterOption.IncludeQueryStringForRewrite;
UrlRewriting.ReplaceRewriteRule("countyrewrite", rule);
RegExRewriteRule rule;
rule = new RegExRewriteRule();
rule.VirtualUrl = @"^~/(.*)/(.*)/\?(.*)";
rule.DestinationUrl = "~/web.aspx?state=$1&county=$2&$3";
rule.IgnoreCase = true;
rule.Rewrite = RewriteOption.Application;
rule.RewriteUrlParameter = RewriteUrlParameterOption.IncludeQueryStringForRewrite;
UrlRewriting.ReplaceRewriteRule("countyrewrite", rule);
I had a hunch that this would not work because of the page loading sequence. I have some ideas involving Server.Transfer, but maybe there are some other options.
You can easily create your own custom urlrewriting provider - they are very easy to make then you will have the ability to do something like this.
<urlrewritingnet xmlns="http://www.urlrewriting.net/schemas/config/2006/07" rewriteOnlyVirtualUrls="true" contextItemsPrefix="QueryString" >
<add name="BrowserTypeProvider" type="YourNamespace.BrowserTypeProvider, YourAssembly"/>
<add name="RewriteByBrowerType"
ignoreCase="true" encoding="true"
public class BrowserTypeProvider: UrlRewritingProvider
public static void SetFormPostbackOverrideTo(string overridePostBackUrl)
var context = HttpContext.Current;
public override RewriteRule CreateRewriteRule()
var context = HttpContext.Current;
return new BrowserTypeProviderRule(context);
public class BrowserTypeProviderRule: RegExRewriteRule
private Regex regex;
privat HttpContext context;
public BrowserTypeProviderRule(HttpContext context)
this.context = context;
UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper();
if (IgnoreCase)
regex = new Regex(urlHelper.HandleRootOperator(VirtualUrl),
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions);
regex = new Regex(urlHelper.HandleRootOperator(VirtualUrl),
RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions);
public override string RewriteUrl(string url)
var page= (context.Request.Browser["IsMobileDevice"] == "true" || context.Request.Browser["BlackBerry"] == "true") ? "mobile" : "web";
DestinationUrl = String.Format(DestinationUrl, page); //since we added the "{0}" in the destination url this will allow you to use the string.format
var rUrl = Regex.Replace(url, VirtualUrl, delegate(Match match)
string returnUrl = DestinationUrl;
for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
returnUrl = Regex.Replace(returnUrl, "(\\" + "$" + i + "\\b)", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(match.Groups[i].ToString().Replace("+", " "))); //Note: Added the .Replace("+", " ") because it seems that when a request came in with a converted " " to "+" the server wouldn't resolve the request
return returnUrl;
return rUrl;
Hopefully this will work as i described it - i typed the code into the WYSIWYG so therer might be some typeos and possible code errors - i appologize in advance.
I would love to see if that worked for you.
Of course just incase it isn't implied you will have to create your own code assembly to house this example then move the library into the bin.
@Dan Pollack Did that work?
is working on a reply...