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  • ak 24 posts 29 karma points
    Jun 25, 2009 @ 04:07

    URGENT! Missing admin site

    Hi all, The admin side of umbraco has gone missing, I login and nothing is there, content, templates the lot?? Files are still there on the server and the site is still working. Just the admin side of things has lost it!!

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,



  • sritchie 48 posts 80 karma points
    Jun 25, 2009 @ 04:47

    Have you completed an upgrade recently?

  • Daniel.S 50 posts 135 karma points
    Jun 25, 2009 @ 05:48

    What version are you running?

  • jefferycxl 35 posts 83 karma points
    Jun 30, 2009 @ 13:17

    Can you try to go to Just in case there is something to do with popup window.


  • Gerben 41 posts 136 karma points
    Jun 30, 2009 @ 13:26

    I guess this might be related to the code that gets the tree from the server-side. I had some similiar problems.
    Make sure you run the correct version of System.Web.Extensions and AjaxControlToolkit (the ones that come with the installation)

    I also had some troubles running Umbraco with .NET 3.5. I had to port (redirect) the version of System.Web.Extensions that are used by Umbraco to the onces provided by the 3.5 framework. Don't know if this will work for you, but you might give it a try...

    In web.config

          <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
              <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"/>
              <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
              <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions.Design" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"/>
              <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
  • Danny Douglass 28 posts 43 karma points
    Jul 10, 2009 @ 03:32
    Danny Douglass

    I'm running into this same issue and posted on this thread -  

    My content doesn't show up, context menus do not display, and subfolders in the admin site (users, settings, developer, members).  My web.config has the above section specifiied for .NET 3.5 compatability and still nothing.

    Any suggestions?


  • Andrew Stannard 14 posts 32 karma points
    Sep 16, 2009 @ 10:19
    Andrew Stannard

    Thanks for the suggestions, I have now tried replacing the runtimeconfig section and also reapplied the permisions for the users but still no luck.

    I am running version 4 and have not upgraded. It went went wrond when my ftp client uploaded a file and did not check to see if it wanted overwritting. I had miss clicked and then my web.config file had been overwritted and the site stopped working. I took another umbraco config file and up in the database connecion string and the user site started working but not the admin site.

    I want to compare the file to a backed up version but not of our system admins who do this are around and I need to get it working today :(

    Thanks for you help though


  • ak 24 posts 29 karma points
    Nov 09, 2009 @ 00:18

    Hi all,

    At the time of this issues there was an Umbraco update available and I ran that and it fixed it.

    We've just updated some .net User Controls and the issue has returned?

    Don't know how to fix it?

    Any ideas?



  • ak 24 posts 29 karma points
    Nov 09, 2009 @ 00:39

    I'm running 
    - Umbraco v (Assembly version: 1.0.3441.17657)
    - Have included web.config update to handle .net 3.5



  • ak 24 posts 29 karma points
    Nov 09, 2009 @ 01:08

    Just to note, I believe this issue was that some umbraco dlls were overwritten by accident when updating dlls for User Controls.
    Restored umbraco dlls froms a back up and all good now.




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