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  • Ast35 23 posts 44 karma points
    Sep 11, 2012 @ 12:12

    Ensuring identically named documents at different positions on the tree have different URLs without using umbracoUrlAlias

    Firsly, I apologise for re-posting this here as I have also posted this in the 'bugs' subforum (would a moderator please delete the one they consider to be located incorrectly).

    I first tried posting it in the 'General' section, but the forum wouldn't let me post there (it said it was posting the thread but never actually did) so I posted it in the 'bugs' forum. I'm not sure if the issue with identically named documents having the same URL so that only one of them loads counts as a bug, but I now think this might be a better place to post this -

    Why do some URLs show as /parentnodename/example.aspx and others as as /example.aspx without the parent node name? Is there any way to ensure consistency to avoid clashing URLs and not need to use umbracoUrlAlias?

    Basically, I want users to be able to create child documents with the same names as others on other parts of the node tree without having to bother with using umbracoUrlAlias to ensure a unique URL.

    I want things to be as straightforward as possible for the users.

    Thanks in advance.

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