I'm experiencing issues building the belle solution. It builds successfully, and I'm able to go through the full install process. The website works but when I go to the /umbraco/login.aspx it looks like all of the javascript/css/images are gone.
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform"> <!-- In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of "connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator finds an atrribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB".
<system.web> <compilation debug="true" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(debug)" /> <!-- In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire <customErrors> section of your web.config file. Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the <system.web> node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
File has to go into /src/Umbraco.Web.UI folder (you'll find lots of config files there). I didn't use build.bat, but juist build the solution in Debug configuration mode. (Hence the need for .Debug. in your config's filename)
I ran from vs.net which took me to the installer, so I could choose the username/password combo myself (I might not have chosen the right path here... so would be nice to hear from others how they run their "Belle")
Hmm...I'm getting the 'You're seeing the wonderful page because your website doesn't contain any published content yet. So get rid of this page by starting umbraco and publishing some content. You can do this by clicking the "set up your new website" button below." page. When I click it asks me to login, but i never went through the installer.
Looks like maybe a database was saved in the solution?
Never mind. Grr....I copied and pasted one of the others and it had 4.10 for the umbracoConfigurationStatus already added. I removed that, and now I get the installer.
Trying to build the Belle Solution
I'm experiencing issues building the belle solution. It builds successfully, and I'm able to go through the full install process. The website works but when I go to the /umbraco/login.aspx it looks like all of the javascript/css/images are gone.
Create a new .config file based on convention: web.Template.COMPUTERNAME.Debug.config (obviously replace COMPUTERNAME with name of your... yup pc).
Add following info in this new config
and build the solution in Debug mode and you're good to go...
Hpoe this helps.
Forgot to mention that config should go into Umbraco.Web.UI folder
Do I add this before I run build.bat? Also, exactly where should I put this file?
File has to go into /src/Umbraco.Web.UI folder (you'll find lots of config files there). I didn't use build.bat, but juist build the solution in Debug configuration mode. (Hence the need for .Debug. in your config's filename)
do you know the default username/password?
I ran from vs.net which took me to the installer, so I could choose the username/password combo myself (I might not have chosen the right path here... so would be nice to hear from others how they run their "Belle")
Hmm...I'm getting the 'You're seeing the wonderful page because your website doesn't contain any published content yet. So get rid of this page by starting umbraco and publishing some content. You can do this by clicking the "set up your new website" button below." page. When I click it asks me to login, but i never went through the installer.
Looks like maybe a database was saved in the solution?
Never mind. Grr....I copied and pasted one of the others and it had 4.10 for the umbracoConfigurationStatus already added. I removed that, and now I get the installer.
is working on a reply...