Images just show up as a link but dont show "broken" link?
Hi! First project and I get stuck... :(
Got an html5 Aside element floated right and in the html5/css3 alone before I put it in umbraco, three images shows up just fine. Setting three field items and the names check out but it wont work. Have a articlePhoto on the same page, in the same place as the other images but that shows just fine??! Looks like this "/media/42/sidebar_1.jpg"
What to do? It´s a local installation so I cant give a link : / Installed everything new yesterday so it´s the latest version of all the stuff!
I just put in that <umbraco:Itemfield="sidePhoto"runat="server"/> tag in the template and then in adminpanel chose the images via upload in the images folder of the root of the homepage/project. Then umbraco changes to /media/42/filename.jpg automatically when I save.
Have I missed a setting somewhere so it just goes with the /images link instead? Where do I change the reference to /images/imagename.jpg ?
No the other way around but no (sounds like crazy) :)
I got a articlephoto in the same page that via the upload works fine. But in this Aside-element, in the same page, via umbracos upload it dont work!??! Hardcode works just fine but I want them to be dynamic. Some pages have text in the aside and some just have three images.
Then that will simply display the name and url of the need an image tag of which there are various ways to do this depending on which version you are running and if you are using ImageGen (which i recommend!)
Damn, just realised that you solved it on your first post. When checking the other image, articlePhoto, that umbracocode was set in the src="" and that´s why it worked. Just like you said. NOW it works great!
Thanks for the help! The noob now knows a little more :)
Images just show up as a link but dont show "broken" link?
Hi! First project and I get stuck... :(
Got an html5 Aside element floated right and in the html5/css3 alone before I put it in umbraco, three images shows up just fine. Setting three field items and the names check out but it wont work. Have a articlePhoto on the same page, in the same place as the other images but that shows just fine??! Looks like this "/media/42/sidebar_1.jpg"
What to do? It´s a local installation so I cant give a link : / Installed everything new yesterday so it´s the latest version of all the stuff!
how are your images referenced?
Hi Stephen, thanks for the fast reply!
I just put in that <umbraco:Itemfield="sidePhoto"runat="server"/> tag in the template and then in adminpanel chose the images via upload in the images folder of the root of the homepage/project. Then umbraco changes to /media/42/filename.jpg automatically when I save.
Have I missed a setting somewhere so it just goes with the /images link instead? Where do I change the reference to /images/imagename.jpg ?
Thanks for the help!
So just to be clear in my (fuzzy) head the images that are coming from Umbraco, via the upload are wokring but the hard coded images are not working?
No the other way around but no (sounds like crazy) :)
I got a articlephoto in the same page that via the upload works fine. But in this Aside-element, in the same page, via umbracos upload it dont work!??! Hardcode works just fine but I want them to be dynamic. Some pages have text in the aside and some just have three images.
Any clearer? :)
right i think i understand now...if you put in
Then that will simply display the name and url of the need an image tag of which there are various ways to do this depending on which version you are running and if you are using ImageGen (which i recommend!)
As of V 4.11 you can use the following method
or you can use something like the following if you use ImageGen
<img src='/ImageGen.ashx?image=<umbraco:Item field="sidePhoto" runat="server" recursive="true"></umbraco:Item>&width=120&height=100&Constrain=True' alt='<umbraco:Item field="siteName" runat="server"></umbraco:Item>' class="mainLogo" valign="absmiddle" />
or simply.
<img src='<umbraco:Item field="sidePhoto" runat="server" recursive="true"/>' />
Damn, just realised that you solved it on your first post. When checking the other image, articlePhoto, that umbracocode was set in the src="" and that´s why it worked. Just like you said. NOW it works great!
Thanks for the help! The noob now knows a little more :)
Glad i could help, remember to mark it up as an answer..
is working on a reply...