I had the same issue and the path-fixup as well. It solved that issue, but all the macro's in the website caused errors. I then removed the UmbracoPathFix.dll from the bin directory and then everything worked fine.
So this fixes something but it breaks something else.
Getting Non-negative number required. Error when publishing and unpublishing
Hey Umbraco peeps
Im getting a wierd error on a site when publishing and unpublishing a node in the node tree:
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Its on umbraco 4.11.1 site
Hi Kim
Have you been using the API to do some stuff on this page? Or does it just happen randomly?
I'm going to encourage you to upgrade the solution if possible since there has been a bug with Examine in 4.10 that can sometimes give another yellow screen. You can read more about the whole thing here http://umbraco.com/follow-us/blog-archive/2013/2/1/umbraco-4114-released.aspx
Perhaps this could also get rid of the above error?
thanks Jan Skovgaard that fixed my problem.
Installed http://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/path-fixup to fix it
I had the same issue and the path-fixup as well. It solved that issue, but all the macro's in the website caused errors.
I then removed the UmbracoPathFix.dll from the bin directory and then everything worked fine.
So this fixes something but it breaks something else.
is working on a reply...